Durch die wachsende Bedeutung der DNS-Sequenzierung wurden die Geräte zur Sequenzierung weiterentwickelt und ihr Durchsatz so erhöht, dass sie Millionen kurzer Nukleotidsequenzen innerhalb weniger Tage liefern. Moderne Algorithmen und Programme, welche die dadurch entstehenden großen Datenmengen in akzeptabler Zeit verarbeiten können, ermitteln jedoch nur einen Bruchteil der Positionen der Sequenzen in bekannten Datenbanken. Eine derartige Suche ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben in der modernen Molekularbiologie. Diese Arbeit untersucht mögliche Übertragungen moderner Genom-Alignment Programme auf hochparallele Plattformen wie FPGA und GPU. Die derzeitig an das Problem angepassten Programme und Algorithmen werden untersucht und hinsichtlich...
Abstract—Pairwise sequence alignment is the method to find the best matching piece for two sequences...
Continuous technological innovation is enveloping all areas of Information Technology. Among the man...
The Smith-Waterman algorithm is a common localsequence alignment method which gives a high accuracy....
Durch die wachsende Bedeutung der DNS-Sequenzierung wurden die Geräte zur Sequenzierung weiterentwic...
Alignment ist die fundamentale Operation, um biologische Sequenzen zu vergleichen. Dabei geht es dar...
Alignment is the fundamental operation used to compare biological sequences. It also serves to ident...
Količine podataka koje se dobiju sekvenciranjem genoma prevelike su da bi njihovo poravnanje na dana...
Količine podataka koje se dobiju sekvenciranjem genoma prevelike su da bi njihovo poravnanje na dana...
With the sequencing of DNA becoming cheaper and the resulting stack of data growing bigger, there is...
With the rapid development of DNA sequencer, the rate of data generation is rapidly outpacing the ra...
This paper describes sequence alignment algorithms of nucleotide sequences. There are described pair...
We have designed a special hardware board to calculate optimal alignments of two sequences based on ...
Biological sequence alignment is an essential tool used in molecular biology and biomedical applicat...
Rapid evolution in sequencing technologies results in generating data on an enormous scale. A focal ...
Genetic sequence alignment is an important tool for researchers. It lets them see the differences an...
Abstract—Pairwise sequence alignment is the method to find the best matching piece for two sequences...
Continuous technological innovation is enveloping all areas of Information Technology. Among the man...
The Smith-Waterman algorithm is a common localsequence alignment method which gives a high accuracy....
Durch die wachsende Bedeutung der DNS-Sequenzierung wurden die Geräte zur Sequenzierung weiterentwic...
Alignment ist die fundamentale Operation, um biologische Sequenzen zu vergleichen. Dabei geht es dar...
Alignment is the fundamental operation used to compare biological sequences. It also serves to ident...
Količine podataka koje se dobiju sekvenciranjem genoma prevelike su da bi njihovo poravnanje na dana...
Količine podataka koje se dobiju sekvenciranjem genoma prevelike su da bi njihovo poravnanje na dana...
With the sequencing of DNA becoming cheaper and the resulting stack of data growing bigger, there is...
With the rapid development of DNA sequencer, the rate of data generation is rapidly outpacing the ra...
This paper describes sequence alignment algorithms of nucleotide sequences. There are described pair...
We have designed a special hardware board to calculate optimal alignments of two sequences based on ...
Biological sequence alignment is an essential tool used in molecular biology and biomedical applicat...
Rapid evolution in sequencing technologies results in generating data on an enormous scale. A focal ...
Genetic sequence alignment is an important tool for researchers. It lets them see the differences an...
Abstract—Pairwise sequence alignment is the method to find the best matching piece for two sequences...
Continuous technological innovation is enveloping all areas of Information Technology. Among the man...
The Smith-Waterman algorithm is a common localsequence alignment method which gives a high accuracy....