This research discusses the ideas of a Muslim sodologist, Ibn Khaldun, on "sodety' s life cycles and the stage of human reasons". The main sources of this research are the works of IbnKhaldun, espedally the social history part of the Muqadimah. This research employs hermeneutics method as proposed by Garcia. The research found that, according to Ibn Khaldun, the social and political life of society is developed through several steps, which are: badui (barbaric), awakening and dvic society (al-thur al bawdy, al-thur al-ghazwy, and al-thur al-hadlary). Meanwhile, the reasons of society is developed through several phases, which are: theology, metaphysics, and positive (al-'aql al-tamyiz, al-'aql al-tajriby and al-'aql al-nadzary). ...