Extracted phenotypical concepts per cohort. For each cohort, we list the top50 concepts ranked by Frequency and TF-IDF. The first column is the UMLS code of the phenotypical concepts, the second column is the French preferred terms, the third column is the English preferred terms, the fourth column is the frequencies score (FREQ), the fifth column is the TF-IDF score, the sixth column is the rank of the concept sorted by the frequency score, the seventh column is the rank of the concept sorted by the TF-IDF score and the eighth column is the expert evaluation (1: relevant concept, 0: none relevant concept). (XLS 93 kb
This is the second survey form to screen patients. Each colored label on the right hand side corresp...
Table S1. Clinical Characteristics of the Study Population. Table S2. Gender-based Clinical Characte...
Table S1. All single nucleotide variants in the NOD2 gene used in GenePy validation. Figure S1. Medi...
Table S1. The sensitivity and specificity of GRIPT with CADD and other tests under the AR and AD mod...
Text S1. Materials and data collection. Text S2. Details of smoothing and Feature Topology Plots (FT...
Table S1. PERMANOVA analysis used to assess microbial community structure differences. Table S2. Med...
Further detail on each attribute, including the identity of the features within each attribute, defi...
Figure S1. Categorization of the clinical phenotypes of the patients in the studied dataset (n = 212...
GWAS information. Table S2. SMR results (P SMR <8.4 × 10–6). Table S3. SMR and HEIDI results (P HEID...
Analytic Model Showing CFIR Constructs by Domain for Coding. This file diagrams how the key stakehol...
Table S1. TPR, FPR and FDR in variable selection with 50 replications (Weibull distribution). Table ...
An Excel spreadsheet containing data related to our study with six tabs: 1) analysis of the top 150 ...
Detection range and percentage detected for plasma cytokine levels in all samples. (DOCX 14 kb
Is Table S1 presenting a description of study populations, Table S2 presenting KI67 immunohistochemi...
Includes details on the implementation of MetaMap and IntraMap, prioritization rules, the test set o...
This is the second survey form to screen patients. Each colored label on the right hand side corresp...
Table S1. Clinical Characteristics of the Study Population. Table S2. Gender-based Clinical Characte...
Table S1. All single nucleotide variants in the NOD2 gene used in GenePy validation. Figure S1. Medi...
Table S1. The sensitivity and specificity of GRIPT with CADD and other tests under the AR and AD mod...
Text S1. Materials and data collection. Text S2. Details of smoothing and Feature Topology Plots (FT...
Table S1. PERMANOVA analysis used to assess microbial community structure differences. Table S2. Med...
Further detail on each attribute, including the identity of the features within each attribute, defi...
Figure S1. Categorization of the clinical phenotypes of the patients in the studied dataset (n = 212...
GWAS information. Table S2. SMR results (P SMR <8.4 × 10–6). Table S3. SMR and HEIDI results (P HEID...
Analytic Model Showing CFIR Constructs by Domain for Coding. This file diagrams how the key stakehol...
Table S1. TPR, FPR and FDR in variable selection with 50 replications (Weibull distribution). Table ...
An Excel spreadsheet containing data related to our study with six tabs: 1) analysis of the top 150 ...
Detection range and percentage detected for plasma cytokine levels in all samples. (DOCX 14 kb
Is Table S1 presenting a description of study populations, Table S2 presenting KI67 immunohistochemi...
Includes details on the implementation of MetaMap and IntraMap, prioritization rules, the test set o...
This is the second survey form to screen patients. Each colored label on the right hand side corresp...
Table S1. Clinical Characteristics of the Study Population. Table S2. Gender-based Clinical Characte...
Table S1. All single nucleotide variants in the NOD2 gene used in GenePy validation. Figure S1. Medi...