Figure S1. The metaphase chromosomes of five clones of sugarcane. A: Lothers; B: Crystallina; C: Canablanca; D: Vietnam Niuzhe; E: Nanjian Guozhe. (TIF 9259 kb
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an economically important crop widely grown in tropical and su...
Dataset of BLUE values obtained for each genotype from model adjusted as described in Methods Sectio...
Table S1. Primers used for population development and QTL mapping. Table S2. Primers used for sequen...
Bowtie2 alignment results of 3,103,708 million GBS tags in absolute and relative (in parentheses) va...
Table with the list of orthologous genes between the five species: Sorghum bicolor (Abbreviation: SB...
Gel images of PCR amplicons. Gel images of the 13 PCR amplicons used for Tripidium chloroplast isola...
List of sugarcane genes and primers used for qRT-PCR. Table S20. qRT-PCR Primers. (XLSX 9 kb
List of Tripidium chloroplast amplification primers. List of the 13 primers used in amplifying the c...
It is comprised by 13 Additional figures and methodologies that complement the data presented in the...
Abstract Background Interspecific hybridization is an effective strategy for germplasm innovation in...
Chromosome-specific identification is a powerful technique in the study of genome structure and evol...
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an economically important crop widely grown in tropical and su...
Comparison of wheat filtered gene set to Arabidopsis gene set. Table S2. Genes reclassified from non...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
<p><b>Note:</b> The modal number of chromosomes is presented for the sugarcane clones analysed, sinc...
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an economically important crop widely grown in tropical and su...
Dataset of BLUE values obtained for each genotype from model adjusted as described in Methods Sectio...
Table S1. Primers used for population development and QTL mapping. Table S2. Primers used for sequen...
Bowtie2 alignment results of 3,103,708 million GBS tags in absolute and relative (in parentheses) va...
Table with the list of orthologous genes between the five species: Sorghum bicolor (Abbreviation: SB...
Gel images of PCR amplicons. Gel images of the 13 PCR amplicons used for Tripidium chloroplast isola...
List of sugarcane genes and primers used for qRT-PCR. Table S20. qRT-PCR Primers. (XLSX 9 kb
List of Tripidium chloroplast amplification primers. List of the 13 primers used in amplifying the c...
It is comprised by 13 Additional figures and methodologies that complement the data presented in the...
Abstract Background Interspecific hybridization is an effective strategy for germplasm innovation in...
Chromosome-specific identification is a powerful technique in the study of genome structure and evol...
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an economically important crop widely grown in tropical and su...
Comparison of wheat filtered gene set to Arabidopsis gene set. Table S2. Genes reclassified from non...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
<p><b>Note:</b> The modal number of chromosomes is presented for the sugarcane clones analysed, sinc...
Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is an economically important crop widely grown in tropical and su...
Dataset of BLUE values obtained for each genotype from model adjusted as described in Methods Sectio...
Table S1. Primers used for population development and QTL mapping. Table S2. Primers used for sequen...