Dataset of BLUE values obtained for each genotype from model adjusted as described in Methods Section. CY = Cane Yield; SC = Sugar Content. Table S3. Marker dataset for each genotype. (XLSX 520 kb
List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S11 List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S12 List of DEGs in SAS-DG...
Table S4. The ecological distribution of 133 soybean landraces from different subgroups. (XLSX 9 kb
Common and unique transcripts between LST vs LSB and HSB vs LSB (SoGI-DGE). Table S25 Common and uni...
Bowtie2 alignment results of 3,103,708 million GBS tags in absolute and relative (in parentheses) va...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
List of DEGs in the SUGIT, HST VS HSB. Table S8 List of DEGs in the SUGIT, LST VS LSB. Table S9 List...
Additional file 4: Table S4. Dataset of 1,745 polymorphic DArT and TRAP markers scored on the 88 sug...
Table S1. Details of RNA-Seq reads from various tissues used for the SuSy expression study. Table S2...
Supplementary RNA-Seq data file, including Table S1, Table S2, Table S3, Figure S2 and Figure S3 Tab...
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Manhattan plots of the SL-GWAS and ML-GWAS for yield. (A-E) Manhattan ...
Q-Q plots assessing the fitness of K model for GWAS of stalk traits. (PPTX 1508 kb
Pedigree information, subpopulations, stalk traits BLUP values, and information of RNA-Seq reads for...
Figure S1. Identification and sequence retrieval of SuSy transcripts from the SUGIT transcriptome re...
Table S3. Summary of the polymorphic markers on the 20 chromosomes of Glycine max. (XLSX 10 kb
Table S2. List of putative loci significantly associated with same SNP identified for at least three...
List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S11 List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S12 List of DEGs in SAS-DG...
Table S4. The ecological distribution of 133 soybean landraces from different subgroups. (XLSX 9 kb
Common and unique transcripts between LST vs LSB and HSB vs LSB (SoGI-DGE). Table S25 Common and uni...
Bowtie2 alignment results of 3,103,708 million GBS tags in absolute and relative (in parentheses) va...
Sites, geographic coordinates, and environmental characteristics of the sugarcane trials. (DOCX 13 k...
List of DEGs in the SUGIT, HST VS HSB. Table S8 List of DEGs in the SUGIT, LST VS LSB. Table S9 List...
Additional file 4: Table S4. Dataset of 1,745 polymorphic DArT and TRAP markers scored on the 88 sug...
Table S1. Details of RNA-Seq reads from various tissues used for the SuSy expression study. Table S2...
Supplementary RNA-Seq data file, including Table S1, Table S2, Table S3, Figure S2 and Figure S3 Tab...
Additional file 2: Figure S2. Manhattan plots of the SL-GWAS and ML-GWAS for yield. (A-E) Manhattan ...
Q-Q plots assessing the fitness of K model for GWAS of stalk traits. (PPTX 1508 kb
Pedigree information, subpopulations, stalk traits BLUP values, and information of RNA-Seq reads for...
Figure S1. Identification and sequence retrieval of SuSy transcripts from the SUGIT transcriptome re...
Table S3. Summary of the polymorphic markers on the 20 chromosomes of Glycine max. (XLSX 10 kb
Table S2. List of putative loci significantly associated with same SNP identified for at least three...
List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S11 List of DEGs in the SAS-DGE. Table S12 List of DEGs in SAS-DG...
Table S4. The ecological distribution of 133 soybean landraces from different subgroups. (XLSX 9 kb
Common and unique transcripts between LST vs LSB and HSB vs LSB (SoGI-DGE). Table S25 Common and uni...