Movie S2. Grayscale single channel movie of Lifeact as seen in Additional file 6: Movie S1. (AVI 6489 kb
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. The same prdm12b mutant animal as in Additiona...
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. Movie of representative prdm12b mutant animal ...
Movie S1. Time-lapse movie of HSPC formation on differentiation day 6 (MP4 1.50Â MB
Movie S4. Grayscale single channel movie of Lifeact as seen in Additional file 8: Movie S3. (AVI 281...
Movie S1. Live-imaging of a Tg(foxd3:gfp) wild-type larva (~ 30–33 hpf) injected with sox10:Lifeact-...
Movie S3. Live-imaging of a Tg(foxd3:gfp) dock1stl145/stl145 larva (~ 30–33 hpf) injected with sox10...
Figure S6. A) Zeiss Airyscan image of Tg(foxd3:gfp) wild-type and B) Tg(foxd3:gfp) dock1stl145/+ lar...
Figure S1. A-C) Lateral view of WISH for mbp. Arrowheads indicate the PLLn. Asterisks indicate the C...
Figure S2. A) The stl365 allele was generated by a TALEN that resulted in one base pair insertion ca...
Time-lapse imaging of Munc18–1-defcient cortical neurons migrating in CP. (ZIP 26000 kb
Figure 5. Gross development is normal at 3 dpf comparing A) wild-type, B) heterozygous, and C) mutan...
Nuclear stain, collagen.avi. Video showing cell movements in the hanging drop culture in pure collag...
Figure S3. A-B) TEM of a cross-section of the PLLn at 5 dpf in MZ siblings. Myelinated axons are pse...
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. Movie of representative prdm12b mutant animal ...
Movie S5. shank3b â/â zebrafish swimming in repetitive walling pattern. (MP4 1535Â kb
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. The same prdm12b mutant animal as in Additiona...
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. Movie of representative prdm12b mutant animal ...
Movie S1. Time-lapse movie of HSPC formation on differentiation day 6 (MP4 1.50Â MB
Movie S4. Grayscale single channel movie of Lifeact as seen in Additional file 8: Movie S3. (AVI 281...
Movie S1. Live-imaging of a Tg(foxd3:gfp) wild-type larva (~ 30–33 hpf) injected with sox10:Lifeact-...
Movie S3. Live-imaging of a Tg(foxd3:gfp) dock1stl145/stl145 larva (~ 30–33 hpf) injected with sox10...
Figure S6. A) Zeiss Airyscan image of Tg(foxd3:gfp) wild-type and B) Tg(foxd3:gfp) dock1stl145/+ lar...
Figure S1. A-C) Lateral view of WISH for mbp. Arrowheads indicate the PLLn. Asterisks indicate the C...
Figure S2. A) The stl365 allele was generated by a TALEN that resulted in one base pair insertion ca...
Time-lapse imaging of Munc18–1-defcient cortical neurons migrating in CP. (ZIP 26000 kb
Figure 5. Gross development is normal at 3 dpf comparing A) wild-type, B) heterozygous, and C) mutan...
Nuclear stain, collagen.avi. Video showing cell movements in the hanging drop culture in pure collag...
Figure S3. A-B) TEM of a cross-section of the PLLn at 5 dpf in MZ siblings. Myelinated axons are pse...
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. Movie of representative prdm12b mutant animal ...
Movie S5. shank3b â/â zebrafish swimming in repetitive walling pattern. (MP4 1535Â kb
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. The same prdm12b mutant animal as in Additiona...
Movie of prdm12b mutant touch-evoked escape response. Movie of representative prdm12b mutant animal ...
Movie S1. Time-lapse movie of HSPC formation on differentiation day 6 (MP4 1.50Â MB