IMPACT. 1: In 2015 NSI served 40 zip codes across Franklin County. 56% of those served were children. -- 2. Throughout the year NSI provided: A 7-day supply of food to 5,988 families Fresh fruits and vegetables to 1,444 families during Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Christmas toys and gifts to 958 children Clothing to 503 families Backpacks to 417 local students A 3-day emergency food supply to 102 homeless individuals Free tax filing for 179 individuals.OSU PARTNERS: College of Public Health; Public Health in Action - Dr. Randi Love; Ohio Union; University Area Commission; CAUSE program; Board Immersion Program; Leadership in Community 2571 - Zak FosteCOMMUNITY PARTNERS: Aldi's; Boulevard Presbyterian Church; Community Shares of Mid-O...