Lai arī ārvalstīs tīri ekonomisko zaudējumu jēdzienam ir veltīta bagātīga tiesu prakse un doktrīna, Latvijas privāttiesībās šis zaudējumu veids nav ticis atsevišķi analizēts. Maģistra darbā “Tīri ekonomiskie zaudējumi privāttiesībās” aplūkots tīri ekonomisko zaudējumu jēdziens, īpašu uzmanību veltot tā paredzamībai un atlīdzināšanas pamatotībai. Darbā tīri ekonomisko zaudējumu jēdziens analizēts arī Latvijas privāttiesību kontekstā.Although lots of analysis has been devoted to the notion of pure economic loss in foreign case law and legal doctrine, it has never been separately analysed from the perspective of Latvian private law. In Master’s thesis “Pure economic loss in private law” author has examined the contents of the notion of pure ec...
One of the most controversial and ambiguous problems in the field of tort law at the international ...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidro, vai un kad ekonomiskās efektivitātes apsvērumi var tikt izmantot...
In general, pure economic loss is understood as economic loss without antecedent harm to plaintiff p...
Bakalaura darbā analizēta atrautās peļņas kā tīri ekonomisku zaudējumu atlīdzināšana. Bakalaura darb...
Deliktų teisėje, taip pat ir Lietuvos, įprastai žala skirstoma į dvi rūšis - turtinę ir neturtinę. N...
In Finland the recovery of pure economic loss in tort law is regulated under Chapter 5, Section 1 of...
The thesis ‘Recovery of Pure Economic Loss: Comparative Aspects’ provides a comparative analysis of ...
Today, pure economic loss is probably one of the main problems in expanding tort law. In some countr...
none3siLaw and economics shows that a key factor in determining the optimal economic loss rule is fo...
Pure economic loss is one of the most discussed and controversial legal issues in Europe today, rais...
Straipsnyje aptariamos teisinės technologijos, kiek jos pajėgios garantuoti į ekonominę apyvartą lei...
Abstract The economic loss notion and its associated non-recovery rule have puzzled lawyers and cour...
E. K. Banakas (dir.), Civil Liability for Pure Economie Loss. In: Revue internationale de droit comp...
According to Chapter 2 Section 2 of the Swedish Tort Liability Act, pure economic loss arising in no...
One of the most controversial and ambiguous problems in the field of tort law at the international ...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidro, vai un kad ekonomiskās efektivitātes apsvērumi var tikt izmantot...
In general, pure economic loss is understood as economic loss without antecedent harm to plaintiff p...
Bakalaura darbā analizēta atrautās peļņas kā tīri ekonomisku zaudējumu atlīdzināšana. Bakalaura darb...
Deliktų teisėje, taip pat ir Lietuvos, įprastai žala skirstoma į dvi rūšis - turtinę ir neturtinę. N...
In Finland the recovery of pure economic loss in tort law is regulated under Chapter 5, Section 1 of...
The thesis ‘Recovery of Pure Economic Loss: Comparative Aspects’ provides a comparative analysis of ...
Today, pure economic loss is probably one of the main problems in expanding tort law. In some countr...
none3siLaw and economics shows that a key factor in determining the optimal economic loss rule is fo...
Pure economic loss is one of the most discussed and controversial legal issues in Europe today, rais...
Straipsnyje aptariamos teisinės technologijos, kiek jos pajėgios garantuoti į ekonominę apyvartą lei...
Abstract The economic loss notion and its associated non-recovery rule have puzzled lawyers and cour...
E. K. Banakas (dir.), Civil Liability for Pure Economie Loss. In: Revue internationale de droit comp...
According to Chapter 2 Section 2 of the Swedish Tort Liability Act, pure economic loss arising in no...
One of the most controversial and ambiguous problems in the field of tort law at the international ...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir noskaidro, vai un kad ekonomiskās efektivitātes apsvērumi var tikt izmantot...
In general, pure economic loss is understood as economic loss without antecedent harm to plaintiff p...