(i) Plagioliparite and associated extrusives are widely distributed on the mountainous or hilly land including Tendo-machi, Yamagata-shi and Kaminoyama-shi where granitic rocks and Neogene sediments are extensively exposed. (ii) Topographically speaking, the area composed of those extrusives has some remarkable features different from others and is characterized by the frequency of small peaks or hills with a conical form.本地域には斜長石石英粗面岩とこれに伴う真珠岩,粗面岩様安山岩,石英安山岩,安山岩とが広い範囲に亘り露出する.これ等の中,斜長石石英粗面岩,真珠岩,粗面岩様安山岩の間には,しばしば漸移的関係があり,共に曹長石,灰曹長石,又は中性長石を斑品として含む点に特徴が認められる.一方でかかる各種の火成岩が示す大成活動は,緑色凝灰岩の広大なる堆積を来たさせたものであり,緑色凝灰岩層中に著しく介在するそれ等の熔岩流は,緑色凝灰岩の層位的区分に役立つ様に考えられる.又斜長石石英粗面岩と粗面岩様安山岩とは,山形市とこれに近接する地域とに多い多種多様の金属鉱床と共に見出され,これ等の間に生因上密接なる関係があることを示している
The Nanokawa thrust occurs in the Jurassic accretionary complexes of the Northern Chichibu Terrain i...
The Hidaka Metamorphic Belt (HMB) is the low P/T type metamorphic belt and represents to a tilted cr...
(i) Plagioliparite and associated extrusives are widely distributed on the mountainous or hilly land...
i) Various kinds of metamorphosed sediments assigned to the Up-per Paleozoic are extensively exposed...
In the Green Tuff region, holocrystalline-hypabyssal rocks which have been called “Tertiary granitoi...
(i) Biotite granite or two-mica granite is extensively exposed in the Tsukuba district, where the Up...
静岡県掛川地域には, 鮮新ー初期更新統の掛川層群が分布している。五百済凝灰岩は, 掛川層群堀之内層中に挟在し, 従来から時間層序面として重要視されてきた。筆者らは, 五百済凝灰岩の分布, 岩相, 堆積...
静岡県掛川地域には, 鮮新ー初期更新統の掛川層群が分布している。五百済凝灰岩は, 掛川層群堀之内層中に挟在し, 従来から時間層序面として重要視されてきた。筆者らは, 五百済凝灰岩の分布, 岩相, 堆積...
The Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Iwafune granitoids of are distributed around the border between Nii...
About 400 superior-quality analyses of Japanese granitic rocks are plotted in THOKNTON and TUTTLE\u2...
(i) Biotite granite or two-mica granite is extensively exposed in the Tsukuba district, where the Up...
筆者等はこのたび,球磨地域に分布する上部ジュラ系坂本層および箙瀬層中の鳥巣石灰岩産出腔腸動物化石を研究した結果,Table 1にしめしたように,六射珊瑚類を主体とし,床板珊瑚類,層孔虫類およびスポンジ...
The Nanokawa thrust occurs in the Jurassic accretionary complexes of the Northern Chichibu Terrain i...
The Hidaka Metamorphic Belt (HMB) is the low P/T type metamorphic belt and represents to a tilted cr...
(i) Plagioliparite and associated extrusives are widely distributed on the mountainous or hilly land...
i) Various kinds of metamorphosed sediments assigned to the Up-per Paleozoic are extensively exposed...
In the Green Tuff region, holocrystalline-hypabyssal rocks which have been called “Tertiary granitoi...
(i) Biotite granite or two-mica granite is extensively exposed in the Tsukuba district, where the Up...
静岡県掛川地域には, 鮮新ー初期更新統の掛川層群が分布している。五百済凝灰岩は, 掛川層群堀之内層中に挟在し, 従来から時間層序面として重要視されてきた。筆者らは, 五百済凝灰岩の分布, 岩相, 堆積...
静岡県掛川地域には, 鮮新ー初期更新統の掛川層群が分布している。五百済凝灰岩は, 掛川層群堀之内層中に挟在し, 従来から時間層序面として重要視されてきた。筆者らは, 五百済凝灰岩の分布, 岩相, 堆積...
The Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Iwafune granitoids of are distributed around the border between Nii...
About 400 superior-quality analyses of Japanese granitic rocks are plotted in THOKNTON and TUTTLE\u2...
(i) Biotite granite or two-mica granite is extensively exposed in the Tsukuba district, where the Up...
筆者等はこのたび,球磨地域に分布する上部ジュラ系坂本層および箙瀬層中の鳥巣石灰岩産出腔腸動物化石を研究した結果,Table 1にしめしたように,六射珊瑚類を主体とし,床板珊瑚類,層孔虫類およびスポンジ...
The Nanokawa thrust occurs in the Jurassic accretionary complexes of the Northern Chichibu Terrain i...
The Hidaka Metamorphic Belt (HMB) is the low P/T type metamorphic belt and represents to a tilted cr...