Wilson, Preparedness, Peace, Prosperity lettering on red, white, and blue striped lapel pin. Presidential election campaign.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_oregon/1209/thumbnail.jp
Harding and Coolidge white lettering and stars on blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.e...
Rectangular lapel pin, gold-colored edging, red, white, and blue stripes with Hoover in gold lette...
"Buy American" lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn during John Glenn's 1984 presidential campaign.Artifact S...
White and light blue pin with a picture of Woodrow Wilson on it. Says, Win with Wilson .https://dig...
Hoover of Oregon for President lettering in blue and white. Red, white, and blue lapel pin.https:/...
Theodore Roosevelt & Charles Fairbanks portrait lapel pin, copyright 1904. Presidential election cam...
Willkie McNary Donor 1940 lettering on red, white, and blue stripes. 1940 Presidential election ca...
I like Ike in blue lettering on white strip of lapel pin; red, white, and blue stripe.https://digit...
Red, white, and blue button with text in blue: I\u27m for Nixon.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.ed...
Wooden, handcrafted Democratic Party lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn in Oklahoma during John Glenn's 198...
White lapel win with red and blue stripes, Bob Packwood U.S. Senator in red and blue type.https://...
"Glenn" lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn during John Glenn's 1984 presidential campaign.Artifact Size: .7...
Carter Mondale 1980 pin. Carter Mondale Delegate pin. Carter pin. Peanut pin. Box 67 Tray 5https://d...
Lapel Pins for the Bill Clinton Campaign. Clinton Gore 96 pin. Women for Clinton Gore 96 pin. Bill C...
1984 Presidential Campaign - Bendable "Glenn" pin with blue lettering on a white background.Credit: ...
Harding and Coolidge white lettering and stars on blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.e...
Rectangular lapel pin, gold-colored edging, red, white, and blue stripes with Hoover in gold lette...
"Buy American" lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn during John Glenn's 1984 presidential campaign.Artifact S...
White and light blue pin with a picture of Woodrow Wilson on it. Says, Win with Wilson .https://dig...
Hoover of Oregon for President lettering in blue and white. Red, white, and blue lapel pin.https:/...
Theodore Roosevelt & Charles Fairbanks portrait lapel pin, copyright 1904. Presidential election cam...
Willkie McNary Donor 1940 lettering on red, white, and blue stripes. 1940 Presidential election ca...
I like Ike in blue lettering on white strip of lapel pin; red, white, and blue stripe.https://digit...
Red, white, and blue button with text in blue: I\u27m for Nixon.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.ed...
Wooden, handcrafted Democratic Party lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn in Oklahoma during John Glenn's 198...
White lapel win with red and blue stripes, Bob Packwood U.S. Senator in red and blue type.https://...
"Glenn" lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn during John Glenn's 1984 presidential campaign.Artifact Size: .7...
Carter Mondale 1980 pin. Carter Mondale Delegate pin. Carter pin. Peanut pin. Box 67 Tray 5https://d...
Lapel Pins for the Bill Clinton Campaign. Clinton Gore 96 pin. Women for Clinton Gore 96 pin. Bill C...
1984 Presidential Campaign - Bendable "Glenn" pin with blue lettering on a white background.Credit: ...
Harding and Coolidge white lettering and stars on blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.e...
Rectangular lapel pin, gold-colored edging, red, white, and blue stripes with Hoover in gold lette...
"Buy American" lapel pin used by Lyn Glenn during John Glenn's 1984 presidential campaign.Artifact S...