Hoover of Oregon for President lettering in blue and white. Red, white, and blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_oregon/1204/thumbnail.jp
Red, white, and blue pin with blue words saying Willkie and McNary .https://digitalcommons.georgefo...
Blue lapel pin with a white cross and white banner that reads, Friends S.S.https://digitalcommons.g...
Blue pin with shape of Ohio in white, Ohio Dry in blue type.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/m...
Rectangular lapel pin, gold-colored edging, red, white, and blue stripes with Hoover in gold lette...
White pin with blue words reading Hoover and Curtis.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_hoo...
Small black and white pin reading: Herbert C. Hoover for President. with a picture of Hoover. Tiny...
Small blue owl shaped pin with gold edging and words. Reads Who? Who? Hoover.https://digitalcommons...
Red, white, and blue pin with seven blue stars; says Nixon Lodge .https://digitalcommons.georgefox....
Red, white, and blue button with text in blue: I\u27m for Nixon.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.ed...
Wilson, Preparedness, Peace, Prosperity lettering on red, white, and blue striped lapel pin. Presid...
Harding and Coolidge white lettering and stars on blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.e...
I like Ike in blue lettering on white strip of lapel pin; red, white, and blue stripe.https://digit...
White and light blue pin with a picture of Woodrow Wilson on it. Says, Win with Wilson .https://dig...
Red whit and blue pin with the words Dewey Brickerhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_orego...
Metal sign painted blue, reads: Hoover for presidenthttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_hoo...
Red, white, and blue pin with blue words saying Willkie and McNary .https://digitalcommons.georgefo...
Blue lapel pin with a white cross and white banner that reads, Friends S.S.https://digitalcommons.g...
Blue pin with shape of Ohio in white, Ohio Dry in blue type.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/m...
Rectangular lapel pin, gold-colored edging, red, white, and blue stripes with Hoover in gold lette...
White pin with blue words reading Hoover and Curtis.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_hoo...
Small black and white pin reading: Herbert C. Hoover for President. with a picture of Hoover. Tiny...
Small blue owl shaped pin with gold edging and words. Reads Who? Who? Hoover.https://digitalcommons...
Red, white, and blue pin with seven blue stars; says Nixon Lodge .https://digitalcommons.georgefox....
Red, white, and blue button with text in blue: I\u27m for Nixon.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.ed...
Wilson, Preparedness, Peace, Prosperity lettering on red, white, and blue striped lapel pin. Presid...
Harding and Coolidge white lettering and stars on blue lapel pin.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.e...
I like Ike in blue lettering on white strip of lapel pin; red, white, and blue stripe.https://digit...
White and light blue pin with a picture of Woodrow Wilson on it. Says, Win with Wilson .https://dig...
Red whit and blue pin with the words Dewey Brickerhttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_orego...
Metal sign painted blue, reads: Hoover for presidenthttps://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/museum_hoo...
Red, white, and blue pin with blue words saying Willkie and McNary .https://digitalcommons.georgefo...
Blue lapel pin with a white cross and white banner that reads, Friends S.S.https://digitalcommons.g...
Blue pin with shape of Ohio in white, Ohio Dry in blue type.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/m...