Since the eighteenth-century, painting and harmony have regularly been celebrated by criticism in Racine’s verses. With the decline of rhetoric, the sedimentation of literature has quickly covered what depended on art of speech. The subversion of rhetoric, in Britannicus’ hypotyposis, could have contributed to this phenomena. As a bad orator, Nero looks at Junie with a careless look. Judicium can be outflanked by ingenium: paying no attention to the natural signs of the èthos, Nero adopts sophistry and her charms.Depuis le XVIIIe siècle, la critique a souvent célébré la peinture et l’harmonie dans les vers de Racine. Les sédiments de la littérature, avec le déclin de la rhétorique, ont vite recouvert ce qui dépendait de l’art de parler. La ...