It is implemented in hardware an objective digital video evaluation method, using the VHDL language. As a computationally expensive process in software, it is investigated its implementation in a hardware platform. The implemented method, named NRVQA-LM, employs six spatio-temporal features extracted from different videos in order to obtain a quality score. These features are studied and the implementation is designed to be developed in an optimized way, in order to explore the benefits of reprogammable logic platforms, such as FPGAs. During the development it was necessary to study non-recurrent tools of the VHDL language, such as fixed- and floating-point arithmetics and the writing of math functions. Results shows high correlation betwee...
A evolução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) favoreceu o crescimento do uso de varia...
Three algorithms for video scaling were developed and tested in software, for implementation on an F...
Actually, application fields, such as medicine, space exploration, surveillance, authentication, HDT...
This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faul...
The video resolutions used in a variety of media are constantly rising. While manufacturers struggle...
Video resolutions used in a variety of media are constantly rising. While manufacturers struggle to ...
The goal of this thesis was to design a video scaler able to do a perspective transform on a video s...
This paper presents the design and implementation on FPGA devices of an algorithm for computing simi...
The use of recongurable logic within the eld of computing has increased during the las tdecades. The...
Digital video processing algorithms are computationally intensive and their performance worsens dram...
The usage of programmable logic resources in Field Programmable Gate Arrays, also known as FPGAs, ha...
In this thesis, both a method and a tool to enable efficient memory synthesis for real-time video pr...
Le traitement d'images en temps réel conduit à utiliser des circuits électroniques rapides, capables...
In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung einer aus VHDL-Modulen bestehenden Prozessorelementkette zur E...
In order to perform the production testing of the video quality of manufactured set-top-boxes for di...
A evolução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) favoreceu o crescimento do uso de varia...
Three algorithms for video scaling were developed and tested in software, for implementation on an F...
Actually, application fields, such as medicine, space exploration, surveillance, authentication, HDT...
This thesis presents a way of performing objective video quality analyses in order to point out faul...
The video resolutions used in a variety of media are constantly rising. While manufacturers struggle...
Video resolutions used in a variety of media are constantly rising. While manufacturers struggle to ...
The goal of this thesis was to design a video scaler able to do a perspective transform on a video s...
This paper presents the design and implementation on FPGA devices of an algorithm for computing simi...
The use of recongurable logic within the eld of computing has increased during the las tdecades. The...
Digital video processing algorithms are computationally intensive and their performance worsens dram...
The usage of programmable logic resources in Field Programmable Gate Arrays, also known as FPGAs, ha...
In this thesis, both a method and a tool to enable efficient memory synthesis for real-time video pr...
Le traitement d'images en temps réel conduit à utiliser des circuits électroniques rapides, capables...
In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung einer aus VHDL-Modulen bestehenden Prozessorelementkette zur E...
In order to perform the production testing of the video quality of manufactured set-top-boxes for di...
A evolução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) favoreceu o crescimento do uso de varia...
Three algorithms for video scaling were developed and tested in software, for implementation on an F...
Actually, application fields, such as medicine, space exploration, surveillance, authentication, HDT...