NdFeB magnet waste is one of the important secondary resources from which rare-earth elements (REEs) can be recovered. Herein we present an electrochemical route to selectively extract REEs from the magnet waste at room temperature. First, the magnet waste was partially leached with HCl. The partial leachate along with undissolved magnet waste was taken in the anolyte side of a two compartment reactor separated by an anion exchange membrane whereas the catholyte consisted of sodium chloride solution. The Fe(II) present in the leachate was oxidized and precipitated as Fe(OH)(3) while more than 95% of REEs were extracted into the solution. Subsequently, oxalic acid was used to selectively precipitate REEs as rare-earth oxalates. Hydrochloric ...
Over the last decade, rare-earth elements (REEs) have become critical in the European Union (EU) in ...
NdFeB magnets currently dominate the magnet market. Supply risks of certain rare earth metals (REMs)...
Rare earth metal elements have been used widely in many different fields such as in fluorescence, po...
NdFeB magnet waste is one of the important secondary resources from which rare-earth elements (REEs)...
NdFeB magnets are used in wind turbines and hybrid electric vehicles and are instrumental in progres...
In this manuscript, we demonstrate a room temperature electrochemical process for efficiently recycl...
Recovery of rare-earth elements (REEs) from spent NdFeB magnets is receiving great attention because...
A chemical process which consumes a minimum amount of chemicals to recover rare-earth metals from Nd...
There is a considerable interest in the extraction of rare earths (RE) from NdFeB magnets in order t...
The continuous miniaturization of electric motors, hard disks and wind turbines is causing an increa...
A straightforward and environment-friendly process for acid-free leaching of rare-earth elements and...
The necessity of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) recycling is crucial to minimizing their supply risk and...
© 2017 The Chinese Society of Rare Earths NdFeB magnets currently dominate the magnet market. Supply...
Strict environmental regulations as well as requirement of conservation of natural resources compell...
International audienceRare earth elements (REE) have become essential for our modern economy, in rel...
Over the last decade, rare-earth elements (REEs) have become critical in the European Union (EU) in ...
NdFeB magnets currently dominate the magnet market. Supply risks of certain rare earth metals (REMs)...
Rare earth metal elements have been used widely in many different fields such as in fluorescence, po...
NdFeB magnet waste is one of the important secondary resources from which rare-earth elements (REEs)...
NdFeB magnets are used in wind turbines and hybrid electric vehicles and are instrumental in progres...
In this manuscript, we demonstrate a room temperature electrochemical process for efficiently recycl...
Recovery of rare-earth elements (REEs) from spent NdFeB magnets is receiving great attention because...
A chemical process which consumes a minimum amount of chemicals to recover rare-earth metals from Nd...
There is a considerable interest in the extraction of rare earths (RE) from NdFeB magnets in order t...
The continuous miniaturization of electric motors, hard disks and wind turbines is causing an increa...
A straightforward and environment-friendly process for acid-free leaching of rare-earth elements and...
The necessity of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) recycling is crucial to minimizing their supply risk and...
© 2017 The Chinese Society of Rare Earths NdFeB magnets currently dominate the magnet market. Supply...
Strict environmental regulations as well as requirement of conservation of natural resources compell...
International audienceRare earth elements (REE) have become essential for our modern economy, in rel...
Over the last decade, rare-earth elements (REEs) have become critical in the European Union (EU) in ...
NdFeB magnets currently dominate the magnet market. Supply risks of certain rare earth metals (REMs)...
Rare earth metal elements have been used widely in many different fields such as in fluorescence, po...