The continuous scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the sensitivity of digital circuits to PVT variations and, more recently, to aging effects such as BTI and HCI. Large voltage guard bands, corresponding to worst-case operation, are thus necessary and leads to a considerable energy loss. Current solutions to increase energy efficiency are mainly based on Adaptive Voltage and Frequency Scaling (AVFS). However, as a reactive solution, it cannot anticipate the variation before it occurs. It has, thus, to be improved for handling long-term reliability issues. This thesis proposes a new methodology to generate simplified but nevertheless accurate models to estimate the circuit maximum operating frequency Fmax. A first model is created...
Current and future semiconductor technology nodes, bring about a variety of challenges that pertain ...
Conference of 25th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation,...
La mise à l'échelle de la technologie CMOS classique augmente les performances des circuits numériqu...
The continuous scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the sensitivity of digital circuits to...
La réduction des dimensions des transistors a augmenté la sensibilité des circuits numériques aux va...
Increasing performance demands in advanced technology, together with limited energy budgets, force i...
As technology node continues to shrink to achieve higher performance at high density, it has become ...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technique is primarily used in digital design to enhance the energy ef...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technique is primarily used in digital design to enhance the energy ef...
As transistor dimensions scale down to the order of several atoms, digital systems are exhibiting al...
International audienceThis work proposes a new bottom-up approach for on-line estimation of circuit ...
In this paper, we show that dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) designs, together with stre...
La course à la miniaturisation requiert l'introduction d'architectures de transistors innovantes enr...
Machine Learning(ML) is one of the hot topics in Data Science. It is used to analyze and predict dat...
VLSI circuits in nanometer VLSI technology experience significant variations - intrinsic process var...
Current and future semiconductor technology nodes, bring about a variety of challenges that pertain ...
Conference of 25th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation,...
La mise à l'échelle de la technologie CMOS classique augmente les performances des circuits numériqu...
The continuous scaling of transistor dimensions has increased the sensitivity of digital circuits to...
La réduction des dimensions des transistors a augmenté la sensibilité des circuits numériques aux va...
Increasing performance demands in advanced technology, together with limited energy budgets, force i...
As technology node continues to shrink to achieve higher performance at high density, it has become ...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technique is primarily used in digital design to enhance the energy ef...
Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) technique is primarily used in digital design to enhance the energy ef...
As transistor dimensions scale down to the order of several atoms, digital systems are exhibiting al...
International audienceThis work proposes a new bottom-up approach for on-line estimation of circuit ...
In this paper, we show that dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) designs, together with stre...
La course à la miniaturisation requiert l'introduction d'architectures de transistors innovantes enr...
Machine Learning(ML) is one of the hot topics in Data Science. It is used to analyze and predict dat...
VLSI circuits in nanometer VLSI technology experience significant variations - intrinsic process var...
Current and future semiconductor technology nodes, bring about a variety of challenges that pertain ...
Conference of 25th International Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation,...
La mise à l'échelle de la technologie CMOS classique augmente les performances des circuits numériqu...