Tuomas Eerola tutki väitöskirjassaan musiikillisten odotusten yhteisiä hahmotusperiaatteita musiikkipsykologian näkökulmasta. Hän selvitti, mikä osa odotuksista on kuulijoille yhteisiä, eli musiikillisista kokemuksista riippumattomia, mikä osa puolestaan syntyy musiikillisen oppimisen tuloksena.Väitöskirja pohjautuu kuuteen erilliseen kokeelliseen asetelmaan perustuvaan tutkimukseen, joissa melodioiden synnyttämiä odotuksia tutkittiin neljän eri kulttuuripiirin musiikilla: pohjoissaamelaisilla joiuilla, Länsi-Suomen rukoilevaisten hengellisillä sävelmillä, keskieurooppalaisilla kansansävelmillä sekä eteläafrikkalaisilla kansanlauluilla. Myös koehenkilöt olivat peräisin näistä edellä mainituista kulttuuripiireistä poiketen toisistaan lisäksi...
This research explored the relations between the predictability of musical structure, expressive tim...
quency-based musical features are sufficient to explain the similarity judgments that underlie liste...
The Implication-Realization (IR) theory (Narmour, 1990) posits two cognitive systems involved in the...
Sekä melodian informaatiosisältö että kuulijan tyylintuntemus vaikuttavat melodian kompleksisuuden h...
This study extends a previous study concerning melodic expectations in North Sami yoiks (Krumhansl e...
This article is a study of melodic expectancy in North Sami yoiks, a style of music quite distinct f...
This study of Finnish spiritual folk hymns combined three approaches to understanding melodic expect...
Melodic expectations are important in creating patterns of tension and relaxation. The way expectati...
This project investigated the statistical learning of musical expectancy. As a secondary goal, the e...
Abstract Two experiments explored the relation between melodic expectancy and melodic memory. In Exp...
Almost every facet of the experience of musical listening—from pitch, to rhythm, to the experience o...
With Western, tonal music, the expectedness of any given note or chord can be estimated using variou...
Expectation, or prediction, has become a major theme in cognitive science. Music offers a powerful s...
The present study assesses two types of models for melodic complexity: one based on expectancy viola...
Like discourse, music is a dynamic process that occurs over time. Listeners usually expect some even...
This research explored the relations between the predictability of musical structure, expressive tim...
quency-based musical features are sufficient to explain the similarity judgments that underlie liste...
The Implication-Realization (IR) theory (Narmour, 1990) posits two cognitive systems involved in the...
Sekä melodian informaatiosisältö että kuulijan tyylintuntemus vaikuttavat melodian kompleksisuuden h...
This study extends a previous study concerning melodic expectations in North Sami yoiks (Krumhansl e...
This article is a study of melodic expectancy in North Sami yoiks, a style of music quite distinct f...
This study of Finnish spiritual folk hymns combined three approaches to understanding melodic expect...
Melodic expectations are important in creating patterns of tension and relaxation. The way expectati...
This project investigated the statistical learning of musical expectancy. As a secondary goal, the e...
Abstract Two experiments explored the relation between melodic expectancy and melodic memory. In Exp...
Almost every facet of the experience of musical listening—from pitch, to rhythm, to the experience o...
With Western, tonal music, the expectedness of any given note or chord can be estimated using variou...
Expectation, or prediction, has become a major theme in cognitive science. Music offers a powerful s...
The present study assesses two types of models for melodic complexity: one based on expectancy viola...
Like discourse, music is a dynamic process that occurs over time. Listeners usually expect some even...
This research explored the relations between the predictability of musical structure, expressive tim...
quency-based musical features are sufficient to explain the similarity judgments that underlie liste...
The Implication-Realization (IR) theory (Narmour, 1990) posits two cognitive systems involved in the...