What kind of life is "On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life" concerned with ? Jean-Paul II's encyclical (25th March 1995), intends to defend and promote human life - whose "sacred and inviolable" character is strongly reaffirmed - especially against civil laws concerning abortion and euthanasia, whether already in force or only at the project stage. This doctrine of human life goes hand in hand with the message of new life which is in the person of Jesus Christ : the genitive of Human Life brings into play a totally new dimension to that of simply the generating of human beings. The different styles used - narrative, rhetoric, paradox - which compete with and flow out from the argument itself, reveal this new dimension.Quelle est la ...
One of the most important manifestations and signs of the new culture of life is unconditional defen...
The concept of quality of life has evolved. Originally focused on fulfilling basic needs, primarily ...
This thesis in theology is about the human person and his/her continuity, which we report throughout...
Using the Encyclical Evangelium vitae as a point of reference, the author emphasizes sorne theologic...
The 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" affords the opportunity f...
No life, from its begenning to its end, can subsist without enjoying special care. From maternal car...
For Christians, the "Word of Life " is both human and divine : Christ is true God and true man. Theo...
The author argues about the sense of human life and death. In a free game of interlocutors, in which...
Qu’est-ce que l’homme ? La question s’impose dans un contexte mondial où les atteintes à la dignité ...
Resumen: La encíclica Evangelium Vitae, escrita por el papa Juan Pablo II el 25 de marzo de 1995, ...
The debate between the sanctity of life ethic and the quality of life ethic has been at the core of ...
La "Parole de Vie" est pour le chrétien à la fois parole humaine et parole divine : le Christ est vr...
Le débat entre éthique de la sacralité de la vie et éthique de la qualité de la vie se trouve au cen...
Depuis l'époque néo-testamentaire, l'eucharistie est au centre de la vie de l'Eglise. Sacrement de l...
The connections between law and life raise beyond all doubt questions on fundamental vividly highlig...
One of the most important manifestations and signs of the new culture of life is unconditional defen...
The concept of quality of life has evolved. Originally focused on fulfilling basic needs, primarily ...
This thesis in theology is about the human person and his/her continuity, which we report throughout...
Using the Encyclical Evangelium vitae as a point of reference, the author emphasizes sorne theologic...
The 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the encyclical "Humanae Vitae" affords the opportunity f...
No life, from its begenning to its end, can subsist without enjoying special care. From maternal car...
For Christians, the "Word of Life " is both human and divine : Christ is true God and true man. Theo...
The author argues about the sense of human life and death. In a free game of interlocutors, in which...
Qu’est-ce que l’homme ? La question s’impose dans un contexte mondial où les atteintes à la dignité ...
Resumen: La encíclica Evangelium Vitae, escrita por el papa Juan Pablo II el 25 de marzo de 1995, ...
The debate between the sanctity of life ethic and the quality of life ethic has been at the core of ...
La "Parole de Vie" est pour le chrétien à la fois parole humaine et parole divine : le Christ est vr...
Le débat entre éthique de la sacralité de la vie et éthique de la qualité de la vie se trouve au cen...
Depuis l'époque néo-testamentaire, l'eucharistie est au centre de la vie de l'Eglise. Sacrement de l...
The connections between law and life raise beyond all doubt questions on fundamental vividly highlig...
One of the most important manifestations and signs of the new culture of life is unconditional defen...
The concept of quality of life has evolved. Originally focused on fulfilling basic needs, primarily ...
This thesis in theology is about the human person and his/her continuity, which we report throughout...