Ludvik Kalus Above the mihrab in the prayer hall of the old mosque in Kudus (Northern Central- Java), sealed in the wall, is a unique foundation text, the only one of that period known in the Malay World. This inscription, written in the Arabic language and dated 1549, is scrutinized here in detail for the first time. Through an analysis of the various allusions made to the Prophet David, the «Gnostic» Ja'far al-Sadiq or the historical al-Aqsâ, the article proposes a tentative reconstruction of the personality and mentality of the mosque's founder, Sunan Kudus, who did not hesitate to create a new Jerusalem in Java.Kalus Ludvik, Guillot Claude. La Jérusalem javanaise et sa mosquée al-Aqsâ. Texte de fondation de la mosquée de Kudus daté 956/...