Chronicle of Several Announced Death : The Saint Abbots of Cluny (Tenth-Twelfth Centuries) - From the mid-tenth to the mid-twelfth century, hagiography allows us to delineate the great ecclesiological orientations at Cluny. The death scene, from Odilon (t 1049) onwards, becomes a key passage of the various vitae. The model proposed to us is one where characteristically liturgy takes precedence over all other forms of communication, thus enabling to differentiate the texts examined from other hagiographie, yet contemporary, works.À Cluny, du milieu du Xe au milieu du XIe siècle, l'hagiographie permet d'exprimer les grandes orientations ecclésiologiques. La scène de la mort devient à partir d'Odilon († 1049) le passage-clé des diverses vitae....