Cordonnier Rita. Michael Mortimore, Adapting to drought, Farmers, famines and desertification in West-Africa. In: Journal des africanistes, 1989, tome 59, fascicule 1-2. pp. 289-292
Pourtier Roland. Changement rural en Afrique tropicale : David Siddie et Ken Swindell, Rural Change ...
Sahelian West Africa has recovered from the disastrous droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. People have ...
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Adaptation à différentes échelles dans les régions...
In the 1970s and 1980s, a fierce debate took place concerning the vulnerability and adaptive practic...
Copans Jean. Franke, Richard W. & Chasin, Barbara H. - Seeds of Famine. Ecological Destruction and t...
The drought in Mauritania. This article is the result of a survey and of the works of a congress c...
Tales of desertification across the world’s drylands are a recurrent theme in policy discourse. This...
De Bruijn Mirjam, Van Dijk Han. Drought and Coping Strategies in Fulbe Society in the Haayre (Centra...
The drought has produced an aptitude for change, as well as various initiatives to combat the proble...
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Stratégies d'adaptation au stress hydrique dans le...
Drought and Displacement in Douentza (Mali), a Sahelian case study The Sahelian droughts of the la...
M. J. Watts - Économie politique des accidents climatiques: perspective villageoise sur la sécheress...
In the 20th century, much research was done on desertification. Desertification developed into a com...
Depuis une décennie, sévit au Mali une sécheresse quasi endémique qui vient accélérer brutalement le...
Adaptability of Traditional Farming Methods in Tropical Africa: The Dagari Territory (Haute-Volta). ...
Pourtier Roland. Changement rural en Afrique tropicale : David Siddie et Ken Swindell, Rural Change ...
Sahelian West Africa has recovered from the disastrous droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. People have ...
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Adaptation à différentes échelles dans les régions...
In the 1970s and 1980s, a fierce debate took place concerning the vulnerability and adaptive practic...
Copans Jean. Franke, Richard W. & Chasin, Barbara H. - Seeds of Famine. Ecological Destruction and t...
The drought in Mauritania. This article is the result of a survey and of the works of a congress c...
Tales of desertification across the world’s drylands are a recurrent theme in policy discourse. This...
De Bruijn Mirjam, Van Dijk Han. Drought and Coping Strategies in Fulbe Society in the Haayre (Centra...
The drought has produced an aptitude for change, as well as various initiatives to combat the proble...
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Stratégies d'adaptation au stress hydrique dans le...
Drought and Displacement in Douentza (Mali), a Sahelian case study The Sahelian droughts of the la...
M. J. Watts - Économie politique des accidents climatiques: perspective villageoise sur la sécheress...
In the 20th century, much research was done on desertification. Desertification developed into a com...
Depuis une décennie, sévit au Mali une sécheresse quasi endémique qui vient accélérer brutalement le...
Adaptability of Traditional Farming Methods in Tropical Africa: The Dagari Territory (Haute-Volta). ...
Pourtier Roland. Changement rural en Afrique tropicale : David Siddie et Ken Swindell, Rural Change ...
Sahelian West Africa has recovered from the disastrous droughts of the 1970s and 1980s. People have ...
French version available in IDRC Digital Library: Adaptation à différentes échelles dans les régions...