Equity-based crowdfunding shows promising potential for funding the micro, small and medium sized en...
Recently developed SEC guidelines provide the regulatory framework for Title II of the Jump Start ou...
submitted by Maximilian SteinerUniversität Innsbruck, Masterarbeit, 2017(VLID)227477
Áhersla á öflugt nýsköpunarumhverfi hefur verið áberandi í hinum vestræna heimi undanfarin ár. Frumk...
Equity crowdfunding is a new innovation in early-stage company financing. It allows start-ups and gr...
Nous analysons le rôle, les caractéristiques, et les enjeux de l’Equity-Crowdfunding quant à sa capa...
Equity crowdfunding is a unique form of entrepreneurial finance that combines elements of private an...
[[abstract]] 本研究以台灣目前四個群眾募資平台NPO Channel、RedTurtle、FlyingV和WeBackers為研究對象,並採用次級資料分析的方式進行研究統計。取樣期間為2...
Drawing inspiration from micro-finance and crowdsourcing, equity crowdfunding has become a valuable ...
[[abstract]]本研究透過既有群眾募資的文獻回顧,以及系統性的分析架構,探究勸募平台運作方式,並透過深度分析一個非營利組織的案例,深入解析實務運作的發展歷程。以「孩子的第一哩路-319 鄉兒童...
Abstract: A key mechanism to unlock socio-economic development, particularly amongst young people is...
För att kunna utveckla en produkt eller en affärsverksamhet är tillgången till finansiering myck...
Метою даної роботи є рекомендації з підвищення конкурентноздатності як startup-проекту, так і Crowdf...
Equity-based crowdfunding shows promising potential for funding the micro, small and medium sized en...
Recently developed SEC guidelines provide the regulatory framework for Title II of the Jump Start ou...
submitted by Maximilian SteinerUniversität Innsbruck, Masterarbeit, 2017(VLID)227477
Áhersla á öflugt nýsköpunarumhverfi hefur verið áberandi í hinum vestræna heimi undanfarin ár. Frumk...
Equity crowdfunding is a new innovation in early-stage company financing. It allows start-ups and gr...
Nous analysons le rôle, les caractéristiques, et les enjeux de l’Equity-Crowdfunding quant à sa capa...
Equity crowdfunding is a unique form of entrepreneurial finance that combines elements of private an...
[[abstract]] 本研究以台灣目前四個群眾募資平台NPO Channel、RedTurtle、FlyingV和WeBackers為研究對象,並採用次級資料分析的方式進行研究統計。取樣期間為2...
Drawing inspiration from micro-finance and crowdsourcing, equity crowdfunding has become a valuable ...
[[abstract]]本研究透過既有群眾募資的文獻回顧,以及系統性的分析架構,探究勸募平台運作方式,並透過深度分析一個非營利組織的案例,深入解析實務運作的發展歷程。以「孩子的第一哩路-319 鄉兒童...
Abstract: A key mechanism to unlock socio-economic development, particularly amongst young people is...
För att kunna utveckla en produkt eller en affärsverksamhet är tillgången till finansiering myck...
Метою даної роботи є рекомендації з підвищення конкурентноздатності як startup-проекту, так і Crowdf...
Equity-based crowdfunding shows promising potential for funding the micro, small and medium sized en...
Recently developed SEC guidelines provide the regulatory framework for Title II of the Jump Start ou...