Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a marker of advanced atherosclerosis, with high cardiovascular burden and mortality. The majority of PAD patients also have coronary and cerebrovascular disease, which is the main reason of poor prognosis. PAD detection and treatment are lower than other forms of atherosclerotic disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the predictive value of vascular biomarkers for poly-vascular disease in population with lower extremity arterial disease. A total of 160 subjects were enrolled in the study, 40 controls without significant atherosclerotic disease, and 120 patients with PAD (40 with isolated lower extremity artery disease and 80 with poly-vascular disease). PAD was defined as ankle - brachial index ...
Tıpta Uzmanlık TeziArteriyosklerotik damar hastalığı sistemik bir hastalıktır. Bu açıdan bakıldığınd...
Giriş ve Amaç: Arteriyel sertliğin birçok çalışmada hipertansiyon, inme, kardiyovasküler olaylar ve ...
For years DSA has been the golden standard in peripheral arterial disease. However, it is an invasi...
Bolest perifernih arterija (PAOD, od engl. Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) najčešće je ateros...
3Streszczenie pracy3.1Streszczenie w języku polskimMiażdżyca stanowi obecnie jeden z najpoważniejszy...
Periferna arterijska bolest (PAB) aterosklerotska je okluzivna bolest donjih ekstremiteta povezana s...
It is believed that inborn anomalies of the cerebral blood vessels increase the risk of ischemic cer...
Arterial diseases nowadays represent a widespread phenomenon of epidemic character. In this work we ...
Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) predstavljaju vodeći uzrok mortaliteta u svetu i najčešći vid komorbi...
Periferna arterijska bolest (PAB) donjih ekstremiteta prepoznata je kao ozbiljan kardiovaskularni po...
The aim of this study was to establish whether increased serum Lp(a) level is a risk factor which si...
Background. The purpose of the research was to try to assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of ...
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in patients with coronary...
Introduction. The arterial stiffness has become the target of therapeutic interventions in patients ...
La malaltia arterial perifèria (MAP) és una manifestació comuna de l'aterosclerosi sistèmica que afe...
Tıpta Uzmanlık TeziArteriyosklerotik damar hastalığı sistemik bir hastalıktır. Bu açıdan bakıldığınd...
Giriş ve Amaç: Arteriyel sertliğin birçok çalışmada hipertansiyon, inme, kardiyovasküler olaylar ve ...
For years DSA has been the golden standard in peripheral arterial disease. However, it is an invasi...
Bolest perifernih arterija (PAOD, od engl. Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease) najčešće je ateros...
3Streszczenie pracy3.1Streszczenie w języku polskimMiażdżyca stanowi obecnie jeden z najpoważniejszy...
Periferna arterijska bolest (PAB) aterosklerotska je okluzivna bolest donjih ekstremiteta povezana s...
It is believed that inborn anomalies of the cerebral blood vessels increase the risk of ischemic cer...
Arterial diseases nowadays represent a widespread phenomenon of epidemic character. In this work we ...
Kardiovaskularne bolesti (KVB) predstavljaju vodeći uzrok mortaliteta u svetu i najčešći vid komorbi...
Periferna arterijska bolest (PAB) donjih ekstremiteta prepoznata je kao ozbiljan kardiovaskularni po...
The aim of this study was to establish whether increased serum Lp(a) level is a risk factor which si...
Background. The purpose of the research was to try to assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of ...
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in patients with coronary...
Introduction. The arterial stiffness has become the target of therapeutic interventions in patients ...
La malaltia arterial perifèria (MAP) és una manifestació comuna de l'aterosclerosi sistèmica que afe...
Tıpta Uzmanlık TeziArteriyosklerotik damar hastalığı sistemik bir hastalıktır. Bu açıdan bakıldığınd...
Giriş ve Amaç: Arteriyel sertliğin birçok çalışmada hipertansiyon, inme, kardiyovasküler olaylar ve ...
For years DSA has been the golden standard in peripheral arterial disease. However, it is an invasi...