Since the village of Kumkuyu is part of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan], if an investigation has been conducted in that county, the public prosecutor of Bogazlian [Boğazlıyan] was informed to have it reported directly to the military tribunal. Divanlizade Mehdi Efendi was summoned to Court on the atrocities that were committed in Yozgat, even though he had nothing to do with the atrocities. In fact, he had wept for the Armenians and tried to protect them. In 1915, 65 individuals were released from the prison, sent to Corum [Çorum] and armed; on who the members of Union and Progress were during that period, how many times and when Ankara Union and Progress Party Secretary Necati Efendi traveled to and from Yozgat and the communication exchange with t...