Cadastral maps represent the result of the highest scale survey of any region. They are not topographic maps. Their goal is to show the property system of the mapped area, so any topographic element that is important for this aspect is shown while others often omitted. Historical cadastral sheets provide valuable information about not only the natural and built environment but also about some aspects of the society of the time of the survey. Because of their high scale, their creation is extremely expensive. Even the updating of the cadastre claims considerable funds from the state budgets. That is why the coordinate system, the geodetic basis of a cadastral work is rarely changed. Re-ambulation is often made on the basis of the older versi...
In the State Archive of Como, Northern Italy, about 15000 historical cadastral maps corresponding to...
The original implant map (OI) of Italian Cadaster was first made out of topographical measurements. ...
The research presented here has developed within the project "Atl@s of historical cadastral and topo...
Cadastral maps represent the result of the highest scale survey of any region. They are not topograp...
The geodetic datum, and its possible descriptions, of the Italian cadastral networks are analyzed, i...
Cadastral cartography, born after unification of Italy in 1870, is an important source of large scal...
Historical cartography is an important source of geographic information for diachronic studies. The ...
The cadastral map represents an essential layer of any spatial data infrastructure, as well emphasiz...
Traditional paper-based cartography was already being pushed aside decades ago by digital storing an...
Since its birth, the Italian Cadastre has been an essential tool for the government of the territory...
The geodetic point lists of the Habsburg survey of the Italian peninsula, carried out in several ste...
The Archivio di Stato di Milano (the National Archive of Milan) has begun the digital archive proces...
Nell’articolo verrà esposta una procedura geodetica di trasformazione dal DATUM catastale, verso il ...
The innovations made in the Italian “Pregeo 8 ” specifications and, particularly, the adoption of th...
The advent of GIS represent a revolution in the management of cartography; this system allows to pro...
In the State Archive of Como, Northern Italy, about 15000 historical cadastral maps corresponding to...
The original implant map (OI) of Italian Cadaster was first made out of topographical measurements. ...
The research presented here has developed within the project "Atl@s of historical cadastral and topo...
Cadastral maps represent the result of the highest scale survey of any region. They are not topograp...
The geodetic datum, and its possible descriptions, of the Italian cadastral networks are analyzed, i...
Cadastral cartography, born after unification of Italy in 1870, is an important source of large scal...
Historical cartography is an important source of geographic information for diachronic studies. The ...
The cadastral map represents an essential layer of any spatial data infrastructure, as well emphasiz...
Traditional paper-based cartography was already being pushed aside decades ago by digital storing an...
Since its birth, the Italian Cadastre has been an essential tool for the government of the territory...
The geodetic point lists of the Habsburg survey of the Italian peninsula, carried out in several ste...
The Archivio di Stato di Milano (the National Archive of Milan) has begun the digital archive proces...
Nell’articolo verrà esposta una procedura geodetica di trasformazione dal DATUM catastale, verso il ...
The innovations made in the Italian “Pregeo 8 ” specifications and, particularly, the adoption of th...
The advent of GIS represent a revolution in the management of cartography; this system allows to pro...
In the State Archive of Como, Northern Italy, about 15000 historical cadastral maps corresponding to...
The original implant map (OI) of Italian Cadaster was first made out of topographical measurements. ...
The research presented here has developed within the project "Atl@s of historical cadastral and topo...