The use of industrial wastes and by-products for making construction materials unequivocally gives a pronounced environment-friendly character to their manufacturing process. Two binary (M1, M2) and one ternary (M3) mixtures, based on alumina powder, fluidized bed coal combustion fly- and/or bottom-ash were submitted to hydrothermal treatments in order to generate aerated building elements based on ettringite (6CaO·Al2O3·3SO3·32H2O); ettringite is a compound characterized by low density, water insolubility, high fire resistance and significant mechanical strength. The M1 – M3 systems were hydrated in a thermostatic bath (100 % R.H) at 55 °C and 70 °C for aging periods ranging from 2 h to 28 d; the hydrated samples were submitted to b...