Réédition numérique dans Sorcières et démons (15e-17e s.), Firenze, Sismel-Edizioni de Galluzzo, Medi@evi. Digital Medieval Folders, 13, 2016, p. 209-260International audienceAt the very beginning of his career as an inquisitor, in 1359, the Catalan of the Dominican Order Nicholas Eymerich writes a long treatise ‒ still unpublished ‒ intitled De jurisdictione inquisitorum in et contra christianos demones invocantes, which has an important place in the process of “hereticisation” of magic and invocation of demons which started under John XXII’s pontificate. Relieved of his inquisitorial duties by the king of Aragon Peter IV the Ceremonious et by the local hierarchy of the Church, Eymerich, who supports of the pontifical power, vigorously def...