The Oscurusciuto rock shelter, located in the Ginosa ravine (Taranto, Apulia), is a very important site for the understanding of Neandertal subsistence and settlement strategies in Southern Italy. The deposit, about 6 m thick and with a base of 60 m2 , is made up of several levels Middle Palaeolithic in age (fig. 1). The series so far investigated (between SU 1 and SU 15) ranges between 42,724±716 cal BP (Beta 181165 AMS) (SU 1) and 55 ± 2 kyrs (40Ar/39Ar) (SU 14 – tephra identified as the Mount Epomeo Ischia green tuff; Allen et alii 2000). Such a chronological interval is crucial in European prehistory as it falls upon the period of disappearance of Homo neanderthalensis and of the dispersal of the first groups of Anatomically Modern Huma...