Publication renamed, “The Nazarene Preacher” “The Good Way,” G. B. Williamson The Holiness Movement in ’71, Editorial New Year’s Prayer for Preachers, Wilson R. Lanpher Winning Young Adults, Melvin McCullough Eyeball to Eyeball, Practical Points Ministerial Resolutions, W. B. Walker The Open-Altar Service, C. William Ellwanger Church Membership, Raymond C. Kratzer The Wise Use of the Press, O. Joe Olson A Searching World from Cuba, Hildo Morejon Why Sit and Die! Mrs. B. Edgar Johnson A Pioneer at Prayer, James F. Ballew Gleanings from the Greek, Ralph Earle Some Leading Authorities Speak of the Old Man, Ross E. Price Idea Sparks, Asa H. Sparks DEPARTMENTS Administration The Pastor’s Supplement The Preacher’s Wife In the Study Gleanings Doct...