Publication renamed, “The Nazarene Preacher” Built-in Resources, General Superintendent Young The Secret of Church Growth, Editorial Guarding Our Theological Trust, Editorial The Preacher’s Target, Gordon Chilvers He Used His Head . . . Practical Points Water Baptism, Arthur W. Fisher Bearing Burdens or Casting Stones? Samuel L. Hindman James Bryan, God’s Servant, Charles Ludwig Bottleneck or Channel? Wilson R. Lanpher Geographical Grouping for Outreach, Robert W. Crew The Canaries Teach, Anne P. Root Rock of Ages, Mark F. Smith Gleanings from the Greek, Ralph Earle The “Old Man” of Ephesians 4: 22-24, Ross E. Price The Message of the Cross, Leroy Davis Our Vision for Christian Education, Ross E. Price DEPARTMENTS Administration Pastor’s S...