Real rights are subjective patrimonial rights which provide the holder with the right to directly exercise certain prerogatives over a determined good. Real rights over immobile goods, registered in the cadastral register are called tabular rights. Cadastral registration is that certain form of registration by which a real right over an immobile good is acquired, changed or ended, from the time de registration request is filed. At this time, registration in the cadastral register provides the opposability effect, as the constitutive effect is suspended until the cadastral works are finalized and new cadastral registers are created for each administrative unit
The legal status of land is not only determined by its ownership situation and by the existence of l...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights a...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
The thesis deals with real rights written to the cadastre. It is divided into ten chapters and start...
The different existing definitions of real property rights and restrictions make an understanding of...
The present paper tends to give information on territorial cadastre, as well as of the cadastral reg...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
In Poland, the cadastre is the basic register which is the source of information on cadastral entiti...
State cadastral registration of real estate - the introduction of the Unified State Register of prop...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Dutch Land Registration Office (the Netherlands ’ Kadaster) maintains the cadastre and registers...
The work containst history of real estate register. Status of land registries. Explanation of basic ...
The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual model for classification of real property ri...
The aim of the study is to give a summarizing law view on the theme of the Real Estate Register as a...
Article is devoted to changes in the sphere of the state cadastral accounting of real estate and reg...
The legal status of land is not only determined by its ownership situation and by the existence of l...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights a...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...
The thesis deals with real rights written to the cadastre. It is divided into ten chapters and start...
The different existing definitions of real property rights and restrictions make an understanding of...
The present paper tends to give information on territorial cadastre, as well as of the cadastral reg...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
In Poland, the cadastre is the basic register which is the source of information on cadastral entiti...
State cadastral registration of real estate - the introduction of the Unified State Register of prop...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Dutch Land Registration Office (the Netherlands ’ Kadaster) maintains the cadastre and registers...
The work containst history of real estate register. Status of land registries. Explanation of basic ...
The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual model for classification of real property ri...
The aim of the study is to give a summarizing law view on the theme of the Real Estate Register as a...
Article is devoted to changes in the sphere of the state cadastral accounting of real estate and reg...
The legal status of land is not only determined by its ownership situation and by the existence of l...
Registering the rights of a 3D parcel should provide certainty of ownership, protection of rights a...
A cadastral registration system provides insight in rights and limited rights related to (2D) parcel...