The different existing definitions of real property rights and restrictions make an understanding of this part of the cadastral domain difficult. Such lack of understanding is a major barrier to effective information interchange and standardisation. A terminological and legal approach focusing on the classification of real property rights and restrictions in a legal cadastre model centred on the right of ownership might be a way to gain a better understanding and be a step towards an improved standardisation of the domain. This paper is intended to serve as an introduction to a recently published hypothesis stating that it is possible to create a general model describing formal real property rights and restrictions. The model is a step towa...
This thesis deals with legal relations to real estate. It compiles an overview of rights that can be...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Dutch Land Registration Office (the Netherlands ’ Kadaster) maintains the cadastre and registers...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual model for classification of real property ri...
This report is part of my on-going research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Real...
The thesis deals with real rights written to the cadastre. It is divided into ten chapters and start...
Real rights are subjective patrimonial rights which provide the holder with the right to directly ex...
With the certain regulation of unified real estate registration taken by the Property Law and the st...
Property rights are managed well by the modern economy. They are supported both theoretically and ad...
There is a dominant ideology of property in land law, the ‘liberal model’, in which the rights of th...
PhDThere is a dominant ideology of property in land law, the ‘liberal model’, in which the rights of...
The legal status of land is not only determined by its ownership situation and by the existence of l...
1 Abstract Reasons for and legal forms of the restriction of land ownership rights The purpose of my...
The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM (ISO TC/211, 2012)) is a conceptual model which supports ...
This thesis deals with legal relations to real estate. It compiles an overview of rights that can be...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Dutch Land Registration Office (the Netherlands ’ Kadaster) maintains the cadastre and registers...
The different existing definitions of cadastre make a common understanding of the cadastral domain d...
The objective of this thesis is to develop a conceptual model for classification of real property ri...
This report is part of my on-going research at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Real...
The thesis deals with real rights written to the cadastre. It is divided into ten chapters and start...
Real rights are subjective patrimonial rights which provide the holder with the right to directly ex...
With the certain regulation of unified real estate registration taken by the Property Law and the st...
Property rights are managed well by the modern economy. They are supported both theoretically and ad...
There is a dominant ideology of property in land law, the ‘liberal model’, in which the rights of th...
PhDThere is a dominant ideology of property in land law, the ‘liberal model’, in which the rights of...
The legal status of land is not only determined by its ownership situation and by the existence of l...
1 Abstract Reasons for and legal forms of the restriction of land ownership rights The purpose of my...
The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM (ISO TC/211, 2012)) is a conceptual model which supports ...
This thesis deals with legal relations to real estate. It compiles an overview of rights that can be...
The individualisation of property started initially with a division of land using 2D boundaries. Thi...
The Dutch Land Registration Office (the Netherlands ’ Kadaster) maintains the cadastre and registers...