The growing need for nutraceutical foods has elicited increasing interest in the herbs traditionally used for ethnobotanical purposes. Their richness in antioxidants inspired this research, which is aimed at cultivating them as crops. Sixteen wild species of crucial interest as food were studied in term of seed propagation. The frequent dormancy was reduced or removed by physical, or physiological seed treatments in laboratory experiments in Petri dishes. However, their direct field sowing, in spring and autumn, did not show the same performance in spite of the efficacy of the treatments. This specially occurs in the case of species with very small seeds suggesting a burial involvement of this soil-mediated inhibition. This inhibition was m...
The role of the seed coat in inhibiting seed germination of Cynoglossum officinale, a rangeland wee...
Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant s...
Introduction: Weeds limit crops growth, development and yield through adjacency and competing and se...
The growing need for nutraceutical foods has elicited increasing interest in the herbs traditionally...
Environmental influences on the after-ripening and dormancy of seeds of a number of species were stu...
Most seeds of medicinal plants due to ecological adaptation to environmental conditions have several...
Trials were performed to test the germination ecology of buried weed seeds as a function of physica...
Weeds cause considerable losses in horticultural and agricultural crops. Weeds are still predominant...
The response of seeds from 23 wild plant species to a range of seed enhancing treatments was studied...
Weeds cause considerable losses in horticultural and agricultural crops. Weeds are still predominant...
The problematic reinfestation of chemically-treated sites by diffuse and spotted knapweed {Centaurea...
The problem involved in this investigation was that of determining the effect of environmental facto...
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate methods of overcoming dormancy, light regimens...
Common teasel is an invasive and widespread weed in Argentina. Germination experiments were carried ...
Seed germination ecology of Teucrium marum L. was investigated. The aim of the experiments was to st...
The role of the seed coat in inhibiting seed germination of Cynoglossum officinale, a rangeland wee...
Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant s...
Introduction: Weeds limit crops growth, development and yield through adjacency and competing and se...
The growing need for nutraceutical foods has elicited increasing interest in the herbs traditionally...
Environmental influences on the after-ripening and dormancy of seeds of a number of species were stu...
Most seeds of medicinal plants due to ecological adaptation to environmental conditions have several...
Trials were performed to test the germination ecology of buried weed seeds as a function of physica...
Weeds cause considerable losses in horticultural and agricultural crops. Weeds are still predominant...
The response of seeds from 23 wild plant species to a range of seed enhancing treatments was studied...
Weeds cause considerable losses in horticultural and agricultural crops. Weeds are still predominant...
The problematic reinfestation of chemically-treated sites by diffuse and spotted knapweed {Centaurea...
The problem involved in this investigation was that of determining the effect of environmental facto...
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate methods of overcoming dormancy, light regimens...
Common teasel is an invasive and widespread weed in Argentina. Germination experiments were carried ...
Seed germination ecology of Teucrium marum L. was investigated. The aim of the experiments was to st...
The role of the seed coat in inhibiting seed germination of Cynoglossum officinale, a rangeland wee...
Galinsoga quadriradiata (hairy galinsoga) and Galinsoga parviflora (smallflower galinsoga, gallant s...
Introduction: Weeds limit crops growth, development and yield through adjacency and competing and se...