ABSTRAK Perubahan informasi global yang terjadi dewasa ini memberikan pengaruh terhadap dunia pendidikan, khususnya pada sekolah Islam. Pengaruh yang bisa dirasakan adalah semakin tertinggalnya kualitas pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia. Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2011 menunjukkan bahwa Indeks Pembangunan Pendidikan Indonesia berada pada urutan 69 dari 127. Artinya pendidikan di Indonesia belum menunjukkan peningkatan yang lebih baik. Peningkatan mutu pendidikan menjadi sangat penting bagi lembaga pendidikan, khususnya sekolah Islam. Menurut Beeby (1993) usaha peningkatan kualitas sekolah yaitu pertama, peningkatan kualitas sistem dan manajemen sekolah....
Education is considered as the most valuable investment in the form of an increase in the quality of...
Abstarct: Our country, which is religious as a Muslim, of course, which has meaning in Islamic educa...
Pokok persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah, pertama, apa pertimbangan Mahkamah Konstitu...
Mutu menjadi kaharusan bagi setiap pendidikan, karenanya membutuhkan usaha bersama secara menyeluruh...
Abstract: In the era of reformation, the Islamic education faces two problems: the demand of Indone...
He rises of a unified Islamic schools seem to be the meeting point of the various needs of the commu...
Education is a necessity for all human beings, including Muslims in Indonesia. As the world's larges...
The purpose of this study is to formulate the efforts that can be done to develop the quality of Isl...
Given the importance of education for human life, Islam as a religion rahmatan lil alamin pay...
The implementation of the Indonesian education sector at this time faced several challenges. The sta...
Pendidikan Islam sangat ideal untuk pendidikan dan kelulusan anak-anak dalam keluarga, termasuk tera...
Penelitian ini berangkat dari berbagai macam dampak arus globalisasi dan modernisasi yang demikian ...
This paper aims to provide a solution regarding the implementation of multicultural education at the...
INDONESIA: Banyak masalah mutu yang dihadapi dalam dunia pendidikan, seperti mutu lulusan, mutu p...
Islamic Education should be able to follow the social changes in society. Islamic education should n...
Education is considered as the most valuable investment in the form of an increase in the quality of...
Abstarct: Our country, which is religious as a Muslim, of course, which has meaning in Islamic educa...
Pokok persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah, pertama, apa pertimbangan Mahkamah Konstitu...
Mutu menjadi kaharusan bagi setiap pendidikan, karenanya membutuhkan usaha bersama secara menyeluruh...
Abstract: In the era of reformation, the Islamic education faces two problems: the demand of Indone...
He rises of a unified Islamic schools seem to be the meeting point of the various needs of the commu...
Education is a necessity for all human beings, including Muslims in Indonesia. As the world's larges...
The purpose of this study is to formulate the efforts that can be done to develop the quality of Isl...
Given the importance of education for human life, Islam as a religion rahmatan lil alamin pay...
The implementation of the Indonesian education sector at this time faced several challenges. The sta...
Pendidikan Islam sangat ideal untuk pendidikan dan kelulusan anak-anak dalam keluarga, termasuk tera...
Penelitian ini berangkat dari berbagai macam dampak arus globalisasi dan modernisasi yang demikian ...
This paper aims to provide a solution regarding the implementation of multicultural education at the...
INDONESIA: Banyak masalah mutu yang dihadapi dalam dunia pendidikan, seperti mutu lulusan, mutu p...
Islamic Education should be able to follow the social changes in society. Islamic education should n...
Education is considered as the most valuable investment in the form of an increase in the quality of...
Abstarct: Our country, which is religious as a Muslim, of course, which has meaning in Islamic educa...
Pokok persoalan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah, pertama, apa pertimbangan Mahkamah Konstitu...