<p>Note: Excluded items (16, 11, 2, 29, 9, 5, 15, 26) are in italic. Factor loadings ≥30 are in bold.</p
<p>The factor score loadings (> 0.700) of the peaks on the PCs used to derive the discriminant funct...
<p>Factors’ loadings in bold indicate that they have been selected in a factor.</p
Factor loadings from exploratory factor analysis and respective Cronbach’s alpha scores for the fina...
Exploratory factor analysis results showing the factor loadings by individual items April 15–May 10,...
*<p>Items with factor loadings ≥0.5 were included, however factor loadings ≥0.3 are shown as well.</...
Factor loadings for exploratory factor analysis of three-factor structure on a random half of the sa...
<p>Factor loadings of the 6 domains with two-factor structure using exploratory factor analysis.</p
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of original five-factor solution with problematic i...
<p> <i>Note: Factor loadings <|.1| omitted. Factor loadings >|.5| bolded.</i></p
<p>Factors’ loadings in bold indicate that they have been selected in a factor.</p
<p>Factor loadings for explanatory factor analysis with direct oblimin rotation of the items describ...
<p>Note: Items are ordered according to loading on relevant factor. Loadings less than .3 are omitte...
Factor loadings of the 6-factor CFA on the facets of the 192-item HEXACO-MSI-E (Study 2).</p
Factor analysis with loadings and factors associated with each item in the RandomIA questionnaire.</...
<p>Variables relate to upvotes (U) and downvotes (D). Factor loadings between +/-0.5 omitted. Propos...
<p>The factor score loadings (> 0.700) of the peaks on the PCs used to derive the discriminant funct...
<p>Factors’ loadings in bold indicate that they have been selected in a factor.</p
Factor loadings from exploratory factor analysis and respective Cronbach’s alpha scores for the fina...
Exploratory factor analysis results showing the factor loadings by individual items April 15–May 10,...
*<p>Items with factor loadings ≥0.5 were included, however factor loadings ≥0.3 are shown as well.</...
Factor loadings for exploratory factor analysis of three-factor structure on a random half of the sa...
<p>Factor loadings of the 6 domains with two-factor structure using exploratory factor analysis.</p
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of original five-factor solution with problematic i...
<p> <i>Note: Factor loadings <|.1| omitted. Factor loadings >|.5| bolded.</i></p
<p>Factors’ loadings in bold indicate that they have been selected in a factor.</p
<p>Factor loadings for explanatory factor analysis with direct oblimin rotation of the items describ...
<p>Note: Items are ordered according to loading on relevant factor. Loadings less than .3 are omitte...
Factor loadings of the 6-factor CFA on the facets of the 192-item HEXACO-MSI-E (Study 2).</p
Factor analysis with loadings and factors associated with each item in the RandomIA questionnaire.</...
<p>Variables relate to upvotes (U) and downvotes (D). Factor loadings between +/-0.5 omitted. Propos...
<p>The factor score loadings (> 0.700) of the peaks on the PCs used to derive the discriminant funct...
<p>Factors’ loadings in bold indicate that they have been selected in a factor.</p
Factor loadings from exploratory factor analysis and respective Cronbach’s alpha scores for the fina...