<p> <i>Note: Factor loadings <|.1| omitted. Factor loadings >|.5| bolded.</i></p
<p>Factor loadings with absolute values <0.2 are not presented.</p><p>Factor loadings of the dietary...
Under the null hypothesis, component loadings are linear combinations of factor loadings, and vice v...
<p>Note: Excluded items (16, 11, 2, 29, 9, 5, 15, 26) are in italic. Factor loadings ≥30 are in bold...
Factor loadings for exploratory factor analysis of three-factor structure on a random half of the sa...
<p>Factor loadings of each variable on each principle component derived from a PCA on climatic varia...
<p>Factor loadings showing contributions of each trait to PC 1 and 2 for the principal components an...
<p>Note. The dominant factor loading for each item is highlighted with bold fonts.</p><p>Factor load...
<p><sup>a</sup> Numbers in brackets are the proportion of variation in the dataset that each princip...
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of original five-factor solution with problematic i...
*<p>Items with factor loadings ≥0.5 were included, however factor loadings ≥0.3 are shown as well.</...
<p>Factor loadings of the factor analysis (Principal Components analysis with Variamax normalized ro...
<p>Variables deemed most important in bold italic, those of somewhat lesser importance in bold only,...
<p>Factor Loadings–Correlation coefficients between original variables and components</p
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of three-factor solution from the EFA model on the ...
Under the null hypothesis, component loadings are linear combinations of factor loadings, and vice v...
<p>Factor loadings with absolute values <0.2 are not presented.</p><p>Factor loadings of the dietary...
Under the null hypothesis, component loadings are linear combinations of factor loadings, and vice v...
<p>Note: Excluded items (16, 11, 2, 29, 9, 5, 15, 26) are in italic. Factor loadings ≥30 are in bold...
Factor loadings for exploratory factor analysis of three-factor structure on a random half of the sa...
<p>Factor loadings of each variable on each principle component derived from a PCA on climatic varia...
<p>Factor loadings showing contributions of each trait to PC 1 and 2 for the principal components an...
<p>Note. The dominant factor loading for each item is highlighted with bold fonts.</p><p>Factor load...
<p><sup>a</sup> Numbers in brackets are the proportion of variation in the dataset that each princip...
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of original five-factor solution with problematic i...
*<p>Items with factor loadings ≥0.5 were included, however factor loadings ≥0.3 are shown as well.</...
<p>Factor loadings of the factor analysis (Principal Components analysis with Variamax normalized ro...
<p>Variables deemed most important in bold italic, those of somewhat lesser importance in bold only,...
<p>Factor Loadings–Correlation coefficients between original variables and components</p
Factor loadings for confirmatory factor analysis of three-factor solution from the EFA model on the ...
Under the null hypothesis, component loadings are linear combinations of factor loadings, and vice v...
<p>Factor loadings with absolute values <0.2 are not presented.</p><p>Factor loadings of the dietary...
Under the null hypothesis, component loadings are linear combinations of factor loadings, and vice v...
<p>Note: Excluded items (16, 11, 2, 29, 9, 5, 15, 26) are in italic. Factor loadings ≥30 are in bold...