<p>A, B, &C) Mean growth rate, and D, E, & F) immigration for life history, native status, and life form. Error bars are standard error among treatments and species.</p
<p>(a) Mean growth-rate extracted from the histograms in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/inf...
<p>Percentages of green and albino shoot regeneration in calli cultured with or without ABA during c...
Clustering increases with regional diversity (black), and has a modal relationship with immigration ...
<p>The left y-axis shows immigration (squares) and growth rate (diamonds), and the right axis shows ...
a) Bars indicate relative competitive ability in colonization of mycelium G1 (mycelium used as femal...
<p>Mean monthly body condition score (BCS; weight/length residuals) changes by month of adult male a...
<p>The specific growth rate (SGR; biomass data [% per day]) of young (A) and old (B) trout in unmani...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Mean and standard deviation (error bars) of the rate of hybrid production before (red)...
<p>The black and white bars indicate the specific growth rates of the ancestral and evolved (at 408 ...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval of the mean. Fish that changed from residency to migr...
<p>Letters indicate RGR differences between treatments (LSD tests, following ANOVA). Error bars repr...
<p>Values are means ± standard error of invasive and non-invasive species groups in low-N and high-N...
<p>The mean growth rate in terms of mass (A, C, E) and length (B, D, F) in surface fish (A, B), Pach...
<p>(A) pH value of growth medium, (B) The growth rate of suspension cells per day for <i>35S:OsEXPA<...
<p>(A) Species richness as a function of immigration rate, and (B) evenness of predator and prey com...
<p>(a) Mean growth-rate extracted from the histograms in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/inf...
<p>Percentages of green and albino shoot regeneration in calli cultured with or without ABA during c...
Clustering increases with regional diversity (black), and has a modal relationship with immigration ...
<p>The left y-axis shows immigration (squares) and growth rate (diamonds), and the right axis shows ...
a) Bars indicate relative competitive ability in colonization of mycelium G1 (mycelium used as femal...
<p>Mean monthly body condition score (BCS; weight/length residuals) changes by month of adult male a...
<p>The specific growth rate (SGR; biomass data [% per day]) of young (A) and old (B) trout in unmani...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Mean and standard deviation (error bars) of the rate of hybrid production before (red)...
<p>The black and white bars indicate the specific growth rates of the ancestral and evolved (at 408 ...
<p>Error bars indicate 95% confidence interval of the mean. Fish that changed from residency to migr...
<p>Letters indicate RGR differences between treatments (LSD tests, following ANOVA). Error bars repr...
<p>Values are means ± standard error of invasive and non-invasive species groups in low-N and high-N...
<p>The mean growth rate in terms of mass (A, C, E) and length (B, D, F) in surface fish (A, B), Pach...
<p>(A) pH value of growth medium, (B) The growth rate of suspension cells per day for <i>35S:OsEXPA<...
<p>(A) Species richness as a function of immigration rate, and (B) evenness of predator and prey com...
<p>(a) Mean growth-rate extracted from the histograms in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/inf...
<p>Percentages of green and albino shoot regeneration in calli cultured with or without ABA during c...
Clustering increases with regional diversity (black), and has a modal relationship with immigration ...