<p>Values are means ± standard error of invasive and non-invasive species groups in low-N and high-N treatment.</p
<p>Mean (standard error) food quality expressed in molar C∶N and C∶P ratios for stock cultures (chem...
<p>Species B exploits the QS system (signals, public goods) and nutrients of species A. This provide...
<p>Highest values of performance measures for KNN on each species and the threshold values used to o...
<p>Values are means ± standard error for invasive and non-invasive species, where the plasticity ind...
<p>Dotted line = invasive species; solid line = non-invasive species. Trait abbreviations are as i...
<p>Error bars indicate standard deviation (n = 6). Different letters on the error bars indicate sign...
<p>A, B, &C) Mean growth rate, and D, E, & F) immigration for life history, native status, and life ...
<p>Letters indicate RGR differences between treatments (LSD tests, following ANOVA). Error bars repr...
(a) Mean and the standard error of AMF colonization (% root length) according in the 14 treatments, ...
<p>R0 values calculated based on differences in viral efficiency among (sub) lineage:mosquito combin...
<p>Mean values (± 1 SE) of photosynthetic, biochemical, structural, and resource-use efficiency leaf...
<p>Bars represent standard error of the mean. Treatments correspond to NF = no fish, G = generalist ...
<p>High N communities are black symbols, low N are white symbols. Plant performance is measured as t...
<p>Aboveground biomass for each treatment was the average of four replicates (error bars denote SEM)...
<p>Values are the means of four biological repetitions ± 1 standard error (SE). Statistically non-si...
<p>Mean (standard error) food quality expressed in molar C∶N and C∶P ratios for stock cultures (chem...
<p>Species B exploits the QS system (signals, public goods) and nutrients of species A. This provide...
<p>Highest values of performance measures for KNN on each species and the threshold values used to o...
<p>Values are means ± standard error for invasive and non-invasive species, where the plasticity ind...
<p>Dotted line = invasive species; solid line = non-invasive species. Trait abbreviations are as i...
<p>Error bars indicate standard deviation (n = 6). Different letters on the error bars indicate sign...
<p>A, B, &C) Mean growth rate, and D, E, & F) immigration for life history, native status, and life ...
<p>Letters indicate RGR differences between treatments (LSD tests, following ANOVA). Error bars repr...
(a) Mean and the standard error of AMF colonization (% root length) according in the 14 treatments, ...
<p>R0 values calculated based on differences in viral efficiency among (sub) lineage:mosquito combin...
<p>Mean values (± 1 SE) of photosynthetic, biochemical, structural, and resource-use efficiency leaf...
<p>Bars represent standard error of the mean. Treatments correspond to NF = no fish, G = generalist ...
<p>High N communities are black symbols, low N are white symbols. Plant performance is measured as t...
<p>Aboveground biomass for each treatment was the average of four replicates (error bars denote SEM)...
<p>Values are the means of four biological repetitions ± 1 standard error (SE). Statistically non-si...
<p>Mean (standard error) food quality expressed in molar C∶N and C∶P ratios for stock cultures (chem...
<p>Species B exploits the QS system (signals, public goods) and nutrients of species A. This provide...
<p>Highest values of performance measures for KNN on each species and the threshold values used to o...