<p>The distances between samples represent relative dissimilarities in species composition. (a) Symbol sizes show relative water depths with colors indicating four depth intervals with equivalent numbers of samples. (b) Symbol sizes show relative depth with colors indicating three studies of different sampling times.</p
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Stress value: 0.04. The green point represents the proportional distribution of species by biomas...
<p>Non-metric multi dimensional scaling (nMDS) plot of macrobenthic data but with stations labeled a...
<p>Increasing distance between points equates to decreasing similarity in BCC. MDS plot are based on...
<p>Distance between each pair of samples is the square root of the common dispersion based on the to...
<p>Nonmetric MultiDimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination plot represents the typifying microbial comp...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of polychaete MOTUs, ba...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity of surface cover...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 30% similarity. Stress = 0.1...
<p>Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) of the composition of reef fish assemblages among different habita...
<p>The Euclidian distance between each sample depth represents the Bray Curtis similarity and the or...
<p>Each point represents the water microbiota from each tank. Plots are based on Bray Curtis distanc...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 60% similarity. Numbers 1–4 ...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>Bottom depths over overlain on symbols, with types and colors representing various structure type...
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Stress value: 0.04. The green point represents the proportional distribution of species by biomas...
<p>Non-metric multi dimensional scaling (nMDS) plot of macrobenthic data but with stations labeled a...
<p>Increasing distance between points equates to decreasing similarity in BCC. MDS plot are based on...
<p>Distance between each pair of samples is the square root of the common dispersion based on the to...
<p>Nonmetric MultiDimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination plot represents the typifying microbial comp...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of polychaete MOTUs, ba...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity of surface cover...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 30% similarity. Stress = 0.1...
<p>Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) of the composition of reef fish assemblages among different habita...
<p>The Euclidian distance between each sample depth represents the Bray Curtis similarity and the or...
<p>Each point represents the water microbiota from each tank. Plots are based on Bray Curtis distanc...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 60% similarity. Numbers 1–4 ...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>Bottom depths over overlain on symbols, with types and colors representing various structure type...
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Stress value: 0.04. The green point represents the proportional distribution of species by biomas...
<p>Non-metric multi dimensional scaling (nMDS) plot of macrobenthic data but with stations labeled a...