<p>Bottom depths over overlain on symbols, with types and colors representing various structure types: topple (green triangle), cutoff (blue triangle), ship (blue square), deck (red diamond), and standing platform (gray cross). Percent similarity bubbles (from CLUSTER) are overlain at 20, 40, and 60%.</p
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity of surface cover...
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 60% similarity. Numbers 1–4 ...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 30% similarity. Stress = 0.1...
Bootsrap averages (coloured symbols), group averages (black symbols) and 95% confidence intervals (c...
<p>A single nMDS analysis was performed on the entire dataset (2-D stress = 0.13) and the results we...
<p>All data were fourth-root transformed prior to ordination. Locations have been abbreviated as fol...
<p>Ellipses are 50% confidence intervals for samples classified by each reef morphology. Family name...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of polychaete MOTUs, ba...
<p>(A) corals. (B) fishes. (C) crustaceans. Significantly (SIMPROF, p<0.05) dissimilar assemblage cl...
<p>Multivariate description of the fish community categorized into two depth strata (0–750 m and >75...
<p>Ordination of the 80 sites according to species composition based on a Bray-Curtis similarity mat...
<p>Non-metric MDS plot of the Jaccard resemblances among the 40 most important fish species in the d...
<p>(a) NMDS biplot summarizes variations of the diet composition among individual fish. Dots represe...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity of surface cover...
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 60% similarity. Numbers 1–4 ...
<p>Data were square-root transformed prior to analysis. Lines represent 30% similarity. Stress = 0.1...
Bootsrap averages (coloured symbols), group averages (black symbols) and 95% confidence intervals (c...
<p>A single nMDS analysis was performed on the entire dataset (2-D stress = 0.13) and the results we...
<p>All data were fourth-root transformed prior to ordination. Locations have been abbreviated as fol...
<p>Ellipses are 50% confidence intervals for samples classified by each reef morphology. Family name...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of polychaete MOTUs, ba...
<p>(A) corals. (B) fishes. (C) crustaceans. Significantly (SIMPROF, p<0.05) dissimilar assemblage cl...
<p>Multivariate description of the fish community categorized into two depth strata (0–750 m and >75...
<p>Ordination of the 80 sites according to species composition based on a Bray-Curtis similarity mat...
<p>Non-metric MDS plot of the Jaccard resemblances among the 40 most important fish species in the d...
<p>(a) NMDS biplot summarizes variations of the diet composition among individual fish. Dots represe...
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plots based on Bray-Curtis similarity of surface cover...
<p>Triangle = 0–50 m; square = 51–100 m; rhombus = 101–500 m; circle = 151–200 m.</p
<p>Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) plot for similarity of samples of isopod MOTUs, based ...