microsatellite genotypes for 50 individuals of 6 species of Ficus. Formatted for STRUCTURE
Microsatellite genotypes for 7 loci for all 70 individuals of leafy seadragons (Phycodurus eques) in...
These data are diploid microsatellite genotypes, in units of allele size (bp), for 15 co-dominant lo...
Complete genotype data in Structure program format. Row 1 lists the microsatellite markers. Microsat...
microsatellite genotypes for 50 individuals of 6 species of Ficus. Formatted for STRUCTURE
Genotype data for Ficus hahliana, data for 10 microsatellite loci and 49 individuals with missing da...
Genotype data for Ficus arfakensis, data for 8 microsatellite loci and 58 individuals with missing d...
Genotype data for Ficus bernaysii (BER) and Ficus iodotricha (IOD), data for 8 microsatellite loci a...
MHC and microsatellite genotypes. MHC genotypes are in Structure-like dominant format (each allele t...
Table S1 Genotypes of parents and offspring in controlled crosses. Table S2 Parent and offspring pro...
Genotypes for microsatellite loci, in STRUCTURE format, for all individuals analyzed in the study. N...
Microsatellite markers for Ficus montana and Ficus septica were developed using genomic libraries en...
Multilocus microsatellite genotypes. Allele codes indicate fragment length (bp). data flie formated ...
Genotype data for 12 nuclear microsatellite loci for Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides in GenAlEx format
Microsatellite genotype of 869 Myriophyllum spicatum inviduals from 58 populations
Input file for STRUCTURE. One line format. Accompanying data for each individual listed in file Geno...
Microsatellite genotypes for 7 loci for all 70 individuals of leafy seadragons (Phycodurus eques) in...
These data are diploid microsatellite genotypes, in units of allele size (bp), for 15 co-dominant lo...
Complete genotype data in Structure program format. Row 1 lists the microsatellite markers. Microsat...
microsatellite genotypes for 50 individuals of 6 species of Ficus. Formatted for STRUCTURE
Genotype data for Ficus hahliana, data for 10 microsatellite loci and 49 individuals with missing da...
Genotype data for Ficus arfakensis, data for 8 microsatellite loci and 58 individuals with missing d...
Genotype data for Ficus bernaysii (BER) and Ficus iodotricha (IOD), data for 8 microsatellite loci a...
MHC and microsatellite genotypes. MHC genotypes are in Structure-like dominant format (each allele t...
Table S1 Genotypes of parents and offspring in controlled crosses. Table S2 Parent and offspring pro...
Genotypes for microsatellite loci, in STRUCTURE format, for all individuals analyzed in the study. N...
Microsatellite markers for Ficus montana and Ficus septica were developed using genomic libraries en...
Multilocus microsatellite genotypes. Allele codes indicate fragment length (bp). data flie formated ...
Genotype data for 12 nuclear microsatellite loci for Mirbelia sp. Bursarioides in GenAlEx format
Microsatellite genotype of 869 Myriophyllum spicatum inviduals from 58 populations
Input file for STRUCTURE. One line format. Accompanying data for each individual listed in file Geno...
Microsatellite genotypes for 7 loci for all 70 individuals of leafy seadragons (Phycodurus eques) in...
These data are diploid microsatellite genotypes, in units of allele size (bp), for 15 co-dominant lo...
Complete genotype data in Structure program format. Row 1 lists the microsatellite markers. Microsat...