Inside this issue: - Voice of Prophecy Radio Broadcasting Group Will Conduct University Spring Devotions- Reynolds Fund Aids Worthy LLU Students- Dr. Helmendach Trust Created For Children- Dr. Senseman Alumnus of Year- Pastors, Alumni Join Forces To Promote April 9 Offering- First Homecoming For SND Alumni- SN Alumni Goal of $15,000 To Furnish New School Offices- Alumni Association Elects New Prexy- LLU Mental Health Institute Open to Pastors of Community- Guest Editorial, Let\u27s Live Our Faith- Cultural Desert - - - Or Oasis?- Letters to the Editor- PR Staffers Given Journalism Honors- Thomas Stauffer Cello Concert March 27 at Burden Hall- Former Assistant Dental Dean Dies- [ Book Talk ] Encyclopedic Research Illuminates Historic Teachin...