Inside this issue: - Medical, Dental Conventions Begin- Dental Convention Spotlighted- Highlights of APC Program Lineup- Slate Institute On Mental Health- Appel Describes New Doctor Needed by American Families- School of Nursing Lists Acceptances- \u27Docor\u27s Business\u27 Is New APC news- Guest Editor, == Welcome, Alumni- Letters to the Editor- KEMR-KR Program Log- Gook Talk - Entrepreneur Maintains Arts Are for the Uncommon Man- This Month In Loma Linda University History- Dr. E. Christensen Attends Ohio State- Occupational Therapist, In TrainingAlumni Postgraduate Convention (schedual)- Friends of Canada Meet During APC- Domain\u27s Auxiliary Program March 13-16- \u27Blue Birds\u27 Give Stuffed Toys For Hospital Girls and Books- [ Cal...