Inside this issue: - Trustees Finalize SC Conference Ownership of White Memorial - WMH Valued at $7,500,000: Cree Sandefur- Board of Councillors To Sponsor Major LLU Campus Project?- Elder FD Nichol Challenges Students to New Evaluation- Heubach Speaks At Mental Health Meeting in Ohio- SCOPE\u27S Special- On Common Goals- Increase of Gifts to LLU- [ editor\u27s mail bag ]- Why a Loma Linda Park?- Dr. Jack Provonsha Presents Talks- President\u27s Committee Names 22 to School, Hospital staffs Staffs- LLU Publishing Chief Attends Anti Quack Meet- KEMR Radio (schedule)- The Wasco Story Shows Impact Of LLU Alumni on Community- Dental Student Wins National Third Prize- Week of Devotion to Begin October 28 at Both Campuses- Medical Educator of In...