Hos vuxna individer förekommer två fenotyper gällande produktionen av laktas, vilka kallas laktostolerans och laktosintolerans. Vid laktosintolerans produceras otillräckliga mängder laktas vilket framkallar symptom som magsmärtor och flatulens vid intagandet av mjölkprodukter. En enbaspolymorfism (LCT-13910C>T) har kopplats till laktostolerans hos nordvästeuropéer och kan genotypas med smältkurveanalys i realtids-PCR. På Laboratoriemedicin vid Länssjukhuset Ryhov används idag en metod vid genotypning av LCT-13910C>T där extraktion av DNA från blod krävs innan analys. Anledningen till detta är att DNA-polymeraset som ingår enzymmixen LightCycler® FastStart DNA Master HybProbe endast fungerar med rent DNA-templat. Med en annan enzymmix,...
Background: Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, w...
Ajan saatossa ihmiselle kehittynyt laktoosinsietokyky on seurausta yhden emäksen kohdalla tapahtunee...
Persistence of lactase into adulthood varies in frequency worldwide and is attributable to several d...
Hos vuxna individer förekommer två fenotyper gällande produktionen av laktas, vilka kallas laktostol...
Primary hypolactasia is the main cause of lactose intolerance in adults. It is strongly associated w...
Abstract Primary lactose intolerance has been associated with a single nucleotide polymorphism locat...
PURPOSE: To analyze the usefulness of Quick Lactose Intolerance Test in relation to the genetic test...
Šio darbo tikslas yra nustatyti laktozės netoleravimą lemiančio genetinio faktoriaus paplitimą tarp ...
Lactose intolerance is one of the most common food intolerances. It is caused by decrease of lactase...
Laktozna netoleranca je avtosomno recesivna metabolna lastnost, ki je značilna za okrog 75% odrasleg...
PURPOSE: To analyze the usefulness of Quick Lactose Intolerance Test in relation to the genetic test...
The Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is defined as a pattern of metabolic disturbances, which include centr...
Lactose intolerance tends to be one of the most frequent health conditions related to the intake of ...
CONTEXT: Genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP C/T-13910) located upstream of the lactas...
Adult-type hypolactasia is a widespread condition throughout the world, causing lactose malabsorptio...
Background: Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, w...
Ajan saatossa ihmiselle kehittynyt laktoosinsietokyky on seurausta yhden emäksen kohdalla tapahtunee...
Persistence of lactase into adulthood varies in frequency worldwide and is attributable to several d...
Hos vuxna individer förekommer två fenotyper gällande produktionen av laktas, vilka kallas laktostol...
Primary hypolactasia is the main cause of lactose intolerance in adults. It is strongly associated w...
Abstract Primary lactose intolerance has been associated with a single nucleotide polymorphism locat...
PURPOSE: To analyze the usefulness of Quick Lactose Intolerance Test in relation to the genetic test...
Šio darbo tikslas yra nustatyti laktozės netoleravimą lemiančio genetinio faktoriaus paplitimą tarp ...
Lactose intolerance is one of the most common food intolerances. It is caused by decrease of lactase...
Laktozna netoleranca je avtosomno recesivna metabolna lastnost, ki je značilna za okrog 75% odrasleg...
PURPOSE: To analyze the usefulness of Quick Lactose Intolerance Test in relation to the genetic test...
The Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is defined as a pattern of metabolic disturbances, which include centr...
Lactose intolerance tends to be one of the most frequent health conditions related to the intake of ...
CONTEXT: Genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP C/T-13910) located upstream of the lactas...
Adult-type hypolactasia is a widespread condition throughout the world, causing lactose malabsorptio...
Background: Adult-type hypolactasia, the physiological decline of lactase some time after weaning, w...
Ajan saatossa ihmiselle kehittynyt laktoosinsietokyky on seurausta yhden emäksen kohdalla tapahtunee...
Persistence of lactase into adulthood varies in frequency worldwide and is attributable to several d...