This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit market, in line with the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) approach. In this framework, banks use price and non-price strategies to compete in the
We apply a pair-wise approach to test the law of one price for deposit (lending) rates in Colombia. ...
Abstract We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition be...
The purpose of this work is the structural modelling of price competition in a product-differentiate...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents two versions of a spatial competition model for the banking sector. The first ve...
This paper presents two versions of a spatial competition model for the banking sector. The first ve...
Abstract This paper presents a model whereby banking firms use various strategies (price and non‐pri...
Bank activities usually span over several markets and branches. The multi.location nature of the ban...
The distinction between retail and corporate banking markets is of much importance in real life bank...
Se analizan las condiciones competitivas del Mercado colombiano en una aproximación más desagregada ...
This paper develops a framework to identity the pricing behaviour in a industry with a differentiate...
Under the view that the market is a weighted and directed network (Barabási, 2003), this document is...
We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition between mul...
We apply a pair-wise approach to test the law of one price for deposit (lending) rates in Colombia. ...
Abstract We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition be...
The purpose of this work is the structural modelling of price competition in a product-differentiate...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents a multimarket spatial competition oligopoly model for the Colombian deposit mark...
This paper presents two versions of a spatial competition model for the banking sector. The first ve...
This paper presents two versions of a spatial competition model for the banking sector. The first ve...
Abstract This paper presents a model whereby banking firms use various strategies (price and non‐pri...
Bank activities usually span over several markets and branches. The multi.location nature of the ban...
The distinction between retail and corporate banking markets is of much importance in real life bank...
Se analizan las condiciones competitivas del Mercado colombiano en una aproximación más desagregada ...
This paper develops a framework to identity the pricing behaviour in a industry with a differentiate...
Under the view that the market is a weighted and directed network (Barabási, 2003), this document is...
We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition between mul...
We apply a pair-wise approach to test the law of one price for deposit (lending) rates in Colombia. ...
Abstract We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition be...
The purpose of this work is the structural modelling of price competition in a product-differentiate...