<p>This histogram shows the distributions of ARS elements (red), and of comparison regions (black) whose <i>G<sub>min</sub></i> values fall in the indicated ranges. (Here, as elsewhere, the lower the <i>G<sub>min</sub></i> value, the more destabilized the region.) The comparison regions were chosen to have the same lengths as the ARS element they flank, and to be positioned 250 bp away from it on either side. There being twice as many comparison regions as ARS elements, these distributions are normalized to show the fraction of sites of each type falling within each interval. Equivalent results were obtained when the comparison regions were chosen to directly abut the ARS elements, so the localization of destabilization at ARS elements is n...
<p>Chromosome numbers are indicated on the left; large black circles represent centromere locations....
<p>Immunolabelled metaphase chromosomes (DAPI staining signals in blue and immunosignals in green) b...
<p>Amplification regions are shown in red; deletion regions are shown in blue; regions with no signi...
<p>A. Global intensity plot of positional enrichment for DEGs and DASGs. Each cell represents a chro...
<div><p>(A) Replication timing profile of Chromosome 3. The two peaks indicated by red stars are pre...
<p>*The distance from terminal TG<sub>1–3</sub> repeats.</p><p>**Sequence is considered degenerate i...
<p>The frequency in genes versus intergenic for all binding motifs (a), frequency of binding motifs ...
<p>In (A), contributions from the recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12 are colored ...
<p>The bars sum up the DNA methylation status of all CpG dyads. The map next to the bar represents t...
<div><p>(A) The figure shows the sampling distribution of the overlap between SDs and a random set o...
<p>(A) Average nucleotide frequencies around 107 GC-ARS sites (top) and twenty-eight non-ARS interge...
<p>Dot plot comparisons of mating locus and autosomal regions. A. Autosomal gene <i>SRR16</i> (y axi...
<p><b>A:</b> Proportion (%) of significantly differentiated regions (SDRs) expressed as a percentage...
<p><b>A</b>. Comparison of hotspot distribution in a virtual chromosome with motif distribution in t...
<p>Pictures in the left panel represent three different lesions at various positions in the 45S rDNA...
<p>Chromosome numbers are indicated on the left; large black circles represent centromere locations....
<p>Immunolabelled metaphase chromosomes (DAPI staining signals in blue and immunosignals in green) b...
<p>Amplification regions are shown in red; deletion regions are shown in blue; regions with no signi...
<p>A. Global intensity plot of positional enrichment for DEGs and DASGs. Each cell represents a chro...
<div><p>(A) Replication timing profile of Chromosome 3. The two peaks indicated by red stars are pre...
<p>*The distance from terminal TG<sub>1–3</sub> repeats.</p><p>**Sequence is considered degenerate i...
<p>The frequency in genes versus intergenic for all binding motifs (a), frequency of binding motifs ...
<p>In (A), contributions from the recent segmental duplication on Chromosomes 11 and 12 are colored ...
<p>The bars sum up the DNA methylation status of all CpG dyads. The map next to the bar represents t...
<div><p>(A) The figure shows the sampling distribution of the overlap between SDs and a random set o...
<p>(A) Average nucleotide frequencies around 107 GC-ARS sites (top) and twenty-eight non-ARS interge...
<p>Dot plot comparisons of mating locus and autosomal regions. A. Autosomal gene <i>SRR16</i> (y axi...
<p><b>A:</b> Proportion (%) of significantly differentiated regions (SDRs) expressed as a percentage...
<p><b>A</b>. Comparison of hotspot distribution in a virtual chromosome with motif distribution in t...
<p>Pictures in the left panel represent three different lesions at various positions in the 45S rDNA...
<p>Chromosome numbers are indicated on the left; large black circles represent centromere locations....
<p>Immunolabelled metaphase chromosomes (DAPI staining signals in blue and immunosignals in green) b...
<p>Amplification regions are shown in red; deletion regions are shown in blue; regions with no signi...