<p>Comparison of ITS1 profiles of specimens of the same strain and of different strains.</p
<p>Comparison of general conditions and clinical manifestations between the groups.</p
Sample of features generated when comparing records from two different sources.</p
<p>Comparison of the clinicopathological parameters between the study groups.</p
<p>Comparison of the measurements between the three models, for each measurement.</p
<p>Statistical comparison between histograms of cluster sizes for the different strains.</p
<p>Comparison between the response profiles of the clusters of the main analysis and the clusters of...
<p>Comparison between experimental and the improved model under different strain rates.</p
<p>Comparison of AHLs produced in different studies by different AHL synthases.</p
<p>Comparison of the MV strain values between the current study and the literature.</p
Comparison of the results obtained with the original and optimal conditions with strain 1–14.</p
<p>Comparisons of simulated and measured SSA under different cultivars and N rates.</p
Side-to-stide comparison within the three studied groups in terms of analysed parameters.</p
<p>Comparison of clinical and biochemistry characteristics between the two groups.</p
<p>Strains analyzed in the various phylogenetic comparisons highlighted in this paper.</p
<p>Comparisons of the basic characteristics and clinical variables between the two groups.</p
<p>Comparison of general conditions and clinical manifestations between the groups.</p
Sample of features generated when comparing records from two different sources.</p
<p>Comparison of the clinicopathological parameters between the study groups.</p
<p>Comparison of the measurements between the three models, for each measurement.</p
<p>Statistical comparison between histograms of cluster sizes for the different strains.</p
<p>Comparison between the response profiles of the clusters of the main analysis and the clusters of...
<p>Comparison between experimental and the improved model under different strain rates.</p
<p>Comparison of AHLs produced in different studies by different AHL synthases.</p
<p>Comparison of the MV strain values between the current study and the literature.</p
Comparison of the results obtained with the original and optimal conditions with strain 1–14.</p
<p>Comparisons of simulated and measured SSA under different cultivars and N rates.</p
Side-to-stide comparison within the three studied groups in terms of analysed parameters.</p
<p>Comparison of clinical and biochemistry characteristics between the two groups.</p
<p>Strains analyzed in the various phylogenetic comparisons highlighted in this paper.</p
<p>Comparisons of the basic characteristics and clinical variables between the two groups.</p
<p>Comparison of general conditions and clinical manifestations between the groups.</p
Sample of features generated when comparing records from two different sources.</p
<p>Comparison of the clinicopathological parameters between the study groups.</p