<p>SNPs identified in GWA studies as being in the top 1% most significant in at least four of the five field sites, with site identified with Y.</p
<p>The first six SNPs were among those identified in the initial sequencing, and the remaining four ...
The top 50 associated SNPs discovered by the individual SNP approach with the corresponding haplotyp...
<p>Each dot represents a SNP that has passed the quality threshold and the high above the X axis is ...
<p>Statistically significant SNPs identified in GWA studies and linked genes.</p
<p>Descriptive statistics for the top SNPs located within each region of interest.</p
<p>The most significant SNPs found by basic case/control association analysis.</p
<p>Most significant (top 10) QTLs and representative SNPs for field and seedling traits.</p
<p>Association results for variants showing the smallest <i>P</i>-values (top SNPs) in 31 regions su...
<p>Co-localisation of significant SNPs from multiple field experiments detected in this study and pr...
(SNP sites refers to the highest number of SNPs found in each group, i.e. Group A isolates had up to...
IDs (chr_position) of all significant SNPs and their significance status in each GWA study
<p>Position, frequency, and significance of significantly associated SNPs and positional candidate g...
<p>A) The number of associated SNPs B) the fraction of coding SNPs C) minor allele frequency and D) ...
<p>Chr.: chromosome; Pos.: position; EAF: average effect allele frequency; In the column “direction”...
<p>Results are for GWAS analysis in GenABEL using each individual BMI reading as a separate observat...
<p>The first six SNPs were among those identified in the initial sequencing, and the remaining four ...
The top 50 associated SNPs discovered by the individual SNP approach with the corresponding haplotyp...
<p>Each dot represents a SNP that has passed the quality threshold and the high above the X axis is ...
<p>Statistically significant SNPs identified in GWA studies and linked genes.</p
<p>Descriptive statistics for the top SNPs located within each region of interest.</p
<p>The most significant SNPs found by basic case/control association analysis.</p
<p>Most significant (top 10) QTLs and representative SNPs for field and seedling traits.</p
<p>Association results for variants showing the smallest <i>P</i>-values (top SNPs) in 31 regions su...
<p>Co-localisation of significant SNPs from multiple field experiments detected in this study and pr...
(SNP sites refers to the highest number of SNPs found in each group, i.e. Group A isolates had up to...
IDs (chr_position) of all significant SNPs and their significance status in each GWA study
<p>Position, frequency, and significance of significantly associated SNPs and positional candidate g...
<p>A) The number of associated SNPs B) the fraction of coding SNPs C) minor allele frequency and D) ...
<p>Chr.: chromosome; Pos.: position; EAF: average effect allele frequency; In the column “direction”...
<p>Results are for GWAS analysis in GenABEL using each individual BMI reading as a separate observat...
<p>The first six SNPs were among those identified in the initial sequencing, and the remaining four ...
The top 50 associated SNPs discovered by the individual SNP approach with the corresponding haplotyp...
<p>Each dot represents a SNP that has passed the quality threshold and the high above the X axis is ...