<p>* The error bars are the standard errors of the mean of SOCD and values above the bars is the number of observations (in parentheses). A different letter means a difference significant at <i>P</i><0.05.</p
Error bars indicate standard deviation. Different letters indicate significant differences between s...
<p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically ...
<p>Younger plantations are 5- to 9-year- old and older plantations are 25- to 30- year-old forests, ...
<p>The letters (a, b) within the columns indicate the significant differences among the N treatments...
<p>Error bars represent standard deviation. Different uppercase letters represent significant differ...
<p>Error bars represent standard deviation. Different uppercase letters represent significant differ...
<p>Different uppercase letters indicate a significant difference between age groups in the same dept...
<p>Relationships between stand age and the rate of increase in total OC concentrations and stocks in...
<p>Error bars are standard error of the means; Within a group, different letters indicate a signific...
<p>Error bars are standard error of means (n = 3). Different letters denote significant differences ...
<p>The asterisk above the bars indicates a significant difference between cropland and poplar planta...
<p>The shoot (a), root (b), litter (c) and total biomass (d) variation under the different treatment...
<p>Relationship between soil respriation rate in the control subplots and the caluculated value as t...
<p><b>Effect of fertilizer treatment plot on (a) hay yield, (b) grass cover, (c) herb cover, (d) leg...
<p>Different letters shared by the bars indicate significant differences (<i>p</i><0.05) between ...
Error bars indicate standard deviation. Different letters indicate significant differences between s...
<p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically ...
<p>Younger plantations are 5- to 9-year- old and older plantations are 25- to 30- year-old forests, ...
<p>The letters (a, b) within the columns indicate the significant differences among the N treatments...
<p>Error bars represent standard deviation. Different uppercase letters represent significant differ...
<p>Error bars represent standard deviation. Different uppercase letters represent significant differ...
<p>Different uppercase letters indicate a significant difference between age groups in the same dept...
<p>Relationships between stand age and the rate of increase in total OC concentrations and stocks in...
<p>Error bars are standard error of the means; Within a group, different letters indicate a signific...
<p>Error bars are standard error of means (n = 3). Different letters denote significant differences ...
<p>The asterisk above the bars indicates a significant difference between cropland and poplar planta...
<p>The shoot (a), root (b), litter (c) and total biomass (d) variation under the different treatment...
<p>Relationship between soil respriation rate in the control subplots and the caluculated value as t...
<p><b>Effect of fertilizer treatment plot on (a) hay yield, (b) grass cover, (c) herb cover, (d) leg...
<p>Different letters shared by the bars indicate significant differences (<i>p</i><0.05) between ...
Error bars indicate standard deviation. Different letters indicate significant differences between s...
<p>Error bars indicate standard errors (n = 4). Different letters above bars denote a statistically ...
<p>Younger plantations are 5- to 9-year- old and older plantations are 25- to 30- year-old forests, ...