<p>The areas are shown overlaid onto a series of sample coronal slices of the MNI152 template specified with y coordinates above the slice images and in the lower right sagittal image. The right hemisphere corresponds to the right half of the coronal images. Statistical and location details of the activation peaks are provided in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0129516#pone.0129516.t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>. CC: cingulate cortex; GP(v): ventral globus pallidus; Hth: hypothalamus; MargS: marginal sulcus; MidB: midbrain; NAcc: nucleus accumbens; NC(h): head of caudate nucleus; POS: parietooccipital sulcus; PreC: precuneus; PreMC: premotor cortex; SPL: superior parietal lobule; Th: thalamus.</p
<p><i>The table shows MNI coordinates of the main peaks of significant clusters, the number of signi...
<p>Spatial activation (task > control; yellow) and spatial-temporal deactivation (task < control; re...
<p>Statistical maps of increased activation for each group for the contrast upright vs. inverted, sh...
<p>BOLD contrasts are superimposed on a T1 structural image in axial sections from <i>z</i> = −25 to...
<p>Statistical threshold: <i>p<0.005</i>, <i>uncorrected</i>; <i>extent</i>, <i>5 voxels</i>. <i>G</...
X, y, z refer to MNI coordinates. Sagittal (left), Axial (center), and Horizontal (right) slice orie...
<p>For the left hemisphere (L), significant activations ( <i>p</i> < 0.01, FWE-corrected) occurred i...
<p>Coronal (top row) and sagittal (bottom row) views of an average brain showing regions of signific...
<p>Overview of group activation patterns (T-maps) for three tasks. The figure was split into panels ...
<p>Regional activations related to [FtN, FtS, StN] contrasted to [FW, SW], initial voxel-height thre...
<p>P<0.001, uncorrected, Volume>63 mm<sup>3</sup>, R: right hemisphere, L: left hemisphere, MNI: Mon...
<p>Anatomical locations of maximal test statistics are specified in {x,y,z} coordinates (mm) in the ...
<p>Regions significantly more activated in controls than in patients: Left column, during decision-m...
<p>(A) Red areas showed greater activation in the task than in the rest period. LC: the larger digit...
<p>Statistical threshold: <i>p<0.005</i>, <i>uncorrected</i>; <i>extent</i>, <i>5 voxels</i>. <i>G</...
<p><i>The table shows MNI coordinates of the main peaks of significant clusters, the number of signi...
<p>Spatial activation (task > control; yellow) and spatial-temporal deactivation (task < control; re...
<p>Statistical maps of increased activation for each group for the contrast upright vs. inverted, sh...
<p>BOLD contrasts are superimposed on a T1 structural image in axial sections from <i>z</i> = −25 to...
<p>Statistical threshold: <i>p<0.005</i>, <i>uncorrected</i>; <i>extent</i>, <i>5 voxels</i>. <i>G</...
X, y, z refer to MNI coordinates. Sagittal (left), Axial (center), and Horizontal (right) slice orie...
<p>For the left hemisphere (L), significant activations ( <i>p</i> < 0.01, FWE-corrected) occurred i...
<p>Coronal (top row) and sagittal (bottom row) views of an average brain showing regions of signific...
<p>Overview of group activation patterns (T-maps) for three tasks. The figure was split into panels ...
<p>Regional activations related to [FtN, FtS, StN] contrasted to [FW, SW], initial voxel-height thre...
<p>P<0.001, uncorrected, Volume>63 mm<sup>3</sup>, R: right hemisphere, L: left hemisphere, MNI: Mon...
<p>Anatomical locations of maximal test statistics are specified in {x,y,z} coordinates (mm) in the ...
<p>Regions significantly more activated in controls than in patients: Left column, during decision-m...
<p>(A) Red areas showed greater activation in the task than in the rest period. LC: the larger digit...
<p>Statistical threshold: <i>p<0.005</i>, <i>uncorrected</i>; <i>extent</i>, <i>5 voxels</i>. <i>G</...
<p><i>The table shows MNI coordinates of the main peaks of significant clusters, the number of signi...
<p>Spatial activation (task > control; yellow) and spatial-temporal deactivation (task < control; re...
<p>Statistical maps of increased activation for each group for the contrast upright vs. inverted, sh...